Chapter 16- Hulk.

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A/N: Pic is EleriGilbert 's but with a little bit of sprucing up from me.

"Lorelei." The voice called again. I looked back and saw a man, trying to keep his balance on a floating navy Jeep.

"Cant you see that I'm trying to earn my reign?" I snarled. The man, who had fluffy brownish hair and some parts grey, wrinkled his eyebrows and put his hands up in surrender.

"Kneel, before I drown you." I snapped. The man got his knees and his eyes suddenly went huge and angry.

"I dont think I wanna do that." He growled as he grew and turned green, ripping out of his shirt.

I cursed and swam away before the monster leaped into the river and grabbed my tail.

I closed my eyes, waiting for myself to get eaten alive, but he started throwing me around by the tail like I was a rag doll. "Put me down you humongous oaf!" I yelled, half  muffled and quoting Loki.

"Hulk, not listening!" He said as he gave me one last crash before throwing me on the ground.

I felt all the water around me absorbing into me, and left me unable to move.

The creature stomped away, leaving me to fall into a black abyss of unconsciousness.

I was in Heimdall's hall, carrying a sleeping baby in my arms. It weeped a bit and I stroked it on the forehead to calm her down.

That is when I realised the red locks starting to grow on her tiny head, making me know who it was.

It was Phoenix.

She was wrapped in a delicate cloth so I gently put her down on one of the golden steps.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to her and turned the sword. "I want you to be safe from Ragnarok."

I grabbed hold of the sleeping presence again and waited for the portal to open.

Once it did, I brought her to my arms and hugged her. I only looked around 10 at this stage, its still a rolling blur.

I threw her in the portal, not viloently, but soft. I wondered what her life was going to be like and what she will think when I see her again.

Once the portal had disappeared, I left the hall. Knowing I would be in trouble.

But not knowing what the near future would be like...

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