why does it have to be so difficult?

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“Anna stop!” Elsa exclaimed, snatching the letter out of her hands. Her reaction meant it could only be from one person.“Is this true?!” Anna said in a state of shock “I cant believe you!” she shouted, storming out of the room and back into her own, slamming the door behind her. Elsa sat down, looking over the note, unsure of what to expect. The letter read:

‘To my Dearest Elsa,

I would like to thank you for every thing you have done for me these past two years, you're the only person who has continued to talk to me and have still treated me like a person, and I couldn’t thank you enough for that. Last night you made me the happiest man alive, simply letting me kiss your cheek made me happier than I have ever been and I believe that this is what true love is, I know you may continue to dislike me but I cant deny this anymore, and I cant hide it from you.Elsa, I love you.

Hans Westerguard’

Elsa stared at the let, re-reading it over and over trying to make sense of the situation. ‘Hans Loves me’ she thought. Those three words repeating themselves over and over in her head. She wanted to tell him that she didn’t have any feelings like that towards him. But that would be a lie.

Ice swirled over the letter, coating it in ice and frost. She shoved the letter under her pillow and took a deep breath. She decided to push the thoughts of worry out of her mind as much as she could, she needed to focus her thoughts on the ball tonight without letting her powers take control of her once again.

Hans started preparing himself for the day.,. He was actually given permission to attend this party, which was always very rare. He picked out his best suit and put it on. His mind was filled with thoughts of worry and possibly regret. Elsa would hate him, love him or just be completely unsure. He knew how risky it would be but he couldn’t go on living in the same building as her without her knowing. He continued to get ready, doing his hair and everything else he needed to do to prepare for the day that was ahead of him.

The day passed by smoothly, Elsa had stayed in her room all day, scared to talk to either Hans or Anna, both of them wanted answers from her, answers that Elsa did not even know herself.

Anna made her way down to the grand hall with Kristoff, anger ran through her body when she saw Hans enter the hall but Kristoff distracted her with an offer to dance, which of course Anna could not refuse. Hans stood alone in one corner of the room, constantly looking over towards Elsa’s throne but she was never there. The main topic of most conversations was the whereabouts of the Queen. Hans knew she was doing her best to distance herself from him, and seemingly Anna. He picked up two glasses of champagne, holding them in one hand and walked out of the room, walking anxiously up the stairs and towards the with door with beautiful blue Ice and snowflake patterns on it. He inhaled deeply and knocked on the door. “Elsa?”

Elsa knew who it was even by the sound of the knock on the door, her heart skipped a beat. “Come in” she said bluntly, but her voice was quiet, scared even.

Hans twisted the door handle hesitantly and pushed the door, but it wouldn’t open. The handle was cold, colder than usual. Hans’ heart sunk at the sudden realization that his letter had caused her so much stress that she had lost control of her powers again. He rested his head against the door.

“Elsa, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean t-“

“It’s not your fault, It’s just difficult” Elsa murmured, just loud enough for Hans to hear.

“Come with me to the ball, and then after that if you never want to speak to me ever again then I will keep my distance from you and Anna, okay? Just give me this one chance to redeem myself, I care about you too much to hurt you Elsa”

Elsa got up and walked to the door, resting her hand on the door handle, melting the ice around it and opening it slowly, peering out to see Hans standing in front of her with his arm out stretched for her to take if she wanted.Her head and her heart told her different things, her heart told her to take his hand, fall in love, live happily, no longer have to rule the whole of Arendelle alone and have someone who would love her like she loves them but of course these thoughts conflicted with her head which reminded her that this was the man that tried to kill her, he was the man who made Anna believe she was in love, was he doing the same thing to her now?

Cold hearted loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora