No longer in denial

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Anna was of course unbelievably happy with Kristoff, happier than she ever had been with Hans, but still deep down the thought of her having loved someone so much to just be betrayed left her heart broken. She wished he looked at her like that just once so she didn’t have to feel so stupid for falling for his lies. She sighed and stood up.

“Well it was a pleasure talking to you Hans” she said in a still serious tone, stretching out her hand towards him.

“A pleasure talking to you also Anna’ He replied as he kissed the back of her hand respectfully. “Maybe we could talk again sometime, resolve our differences and talk a little less formal?’

Anna raised an eyebrow at him and began to walk back towards the palace. “Lets not rush it Hans.” She responded as she walked away.

Once Anna was far enough away he let out a large sigh of relief, it went a lot better than he expected it to, she hadn’t punched him or anything. He chuckled lightly to himself before getting up and returning to palace, up the stairs and straight towards Elsa's bedroom door. He knocked with a large smile on his face that he simply couldn’t hide.

“Come in!” an anxious sounding voice called.

Hans pushed the door open to see Elsa sitting on the edge of her bed. The bed sheets were coated in frost, she had clearly been just as worried as he was about whatever Anna was going to say.

“Hans!” She exclaimed happily, the frost and ice immediately disappearing into nothing. He walked quickly over to her bed side and pushed her down onto the bed, pinning her down gently so he wouldn’t hurt her. He planted his lips onto hers lovingly and traced his kisses from her lips, down across her jaw line and down her neck, sucking on her cold pale skin softly, leaving small painless bruises although he was marking his territory. “I love you Elsa” he breathed.

Elsa bit one side of her lower lip and smirked as that fluttering feeling returned, this time she could identify it. It was the feeling of being truly in love with someone who loved her just as much as she loved them and she was happy to admit it.

“I love you too Hans” She whispered.


Don’t forget to leave a comment etc! I’ll love you forever -m x

Cold hearted loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin