Very funny Hans...

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Elsa burst out laughing “Very funny Hans” she giggled as she reached her right hand out to help him up of his knee.

“Elsa. I’m being one hundred percent serious, when my father said that I probably wish I could call you my wife he was right, I love you more than I have ever love anyone in my entire life, I couldn’t imagine being with anyone other than you. I wish to be able to call you Mrs Westerguard. Elsa, I want to be able to call you mine.” Hans said, his voice wobbled with the nerves that came a long with asking the queen he nearly murdered if she would like to spend the rest of her life with him. He never planned on proposing to her here or now, or anytime soon in fact but the thought always lingered in his mind and now for some reason this seemed like the right time, everything now just depended on her next few words.

Elsa stared at the ring, then back up into his eyes, speechless, she opened her mouth to reply but nothing came out, not a single sound. She took in a deep breath and nodded her head “Y-yes” she just about uttered out.

Just that small word was music to Hans’ ears, making him feel although every dream of his had come true. Elsa reached out her left hand towards him as he slipped the ring carefully back onto her ring finger, both of them smiling at each other more than ever as Hans got up and placed his hands on her waist, picking her up and spinning her around as they kissed passionately, everything seemed brighter and for once Elsa felt although her heart was warm, the strange yet amazing sensation made her smile even more.

Hans slipped his hands from her waist onto her hips, pulling her closer as they both deepened the kiss. “I love you so much Hans” she whispered as she hugged him tightly. “I love you too, I’ll never stop loving you, you're my everything, you're my dream come true, I'm lucky to be able to call you my fiancée”

Elsa grinned and held him tightly “I want to be able to make you as happy as you make me… Lets go back to the party, I want to have a dance with my husband-to-be” She laughed as she pulled him off the balcony and back down the stairs. They made it back to the ballroom where they spent the night dancing, nothing could stop the two of them from being as happy, not a single negative comment was made to Hans and everything was perfect. Neither of them could be any happier than they were in that moment.

The party lasted a number of hours, It only began to end at 3am and it was safe to say that the majority of the guests including Hans and Elsa had helped themselves to the ridiculous amount of free alcohol provided.

Elsa stumbled towards the doorway with Hans following her by her side, ready to return to the ship. At the doorway most of Hans’ brothers, who hadn’t over drunk awaited them including his parents, each of them smiled at the couple as the approached. Each of them said their goodbyes and for the first time in forever, both Hans’ parents apologized for the way they had treated him, for never believing in him, never listening to him and never letting him have the childhood he deserved. Hans nod his head formally at them both and shook their hands, it was clear he hadn’t forgiven them but he accepted the apology and left the castle with his arm securely around Elsa, holding her up as she staggered up the steps and onto the ship. They both made their way onto the bed back onto their own side, too tired to do anything except cuddle into one another and close their eyes and dream of what will soon be their reality.


Don’t forget to leave a comment etc! I’ll love you forever, sorry this chapter was aboslutely terrible <3  -m x

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