Hasn't he told you?

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After plenty of complaining from Hans about going to the wedding and plenty of complaining from Elsa about having to get their by ship they both settled down. It was now the say of the wedding and Elsa wore a custom made dress which was similar to her coronation dress but with ice blue snowflake detailing and of curse no gloves.

Hans wore his favourite black suit. He stood in the mirror trying to tie the bow tie around his neck, getting it wrong every time.

“I really don’t think I can watch you try and tie that again for the hundredth time… the wedding will be over before you even get it anywhere near right at this rate! Come here”

Hans spun around to face her and pulled the strip of material off of his neck and handed it to her.

Elsa straightened it out and wrapped it around his neck gently, tying it in just a matter of seconds.

“See it’s not that difficult!” she joked as she linked her arm with his.

He regrettably pulled his arm away “remember no one here knows we’re together and that’s how I want it to stay, they all know you deserve better than me”

Elsa wrapped her arm back around his “that’s incorrect, and anyway linking arms hardly means anything, if they ask if we’re in a relationship ill answer, okay?”

He nodded his head and sighed, Elsa could feel his hands shaking with nerves but didn’t want to mention it as it would probably only make him more anxious.

“You promised on the day of the wedding you'd tell me what your idea was to stop them from looking down on me, so tell me”

Elsa shook her head and laughed “no I never specified what time I’d tell you, and anyway, you can wait until I put my idea into action”

Hans gave her a grumpy look but knew there was no point in trying to argue with her, she always won anyway.

She poked his cheek teasingly to make him smile “Good, you're meant to smile at weddings” she giggled as the two of them exited the ship they had been stuck on for the past four days. Elsa looked around at her new surroundings, The Southern Isles was a little less colourful than she had hoped for but she didn’t complain, the castle was just in front of them. Hans looked around as his mind filled with memories with each place he looked at, not many of them good. “Do we have to do this? I mean they’ll hardly notice I didn’t come anyw-“ he was silenced by Elsa pulling his arm roughly to make him walk forward towards the castle.

They got to the gates and walked in, receiving looks of confusion from each person, some people smiled at the two of them, but a lot of people gave Hans a look of hate or disgust “ignore it, you're only here for one day” Elsa whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

Hans nod his head and smiled back at the people he passed.

“Hans!” A voice boomed cheerfully from within the crowd, Hans groaned internally as he immediately knew who it was. “I haven’t seen you for what… one year?” the man said as he walked towards the two of them, he had dark brown hair and dark green eyes similar to Hans, he was tall and had a muscular build, hardly the kind of mad you would want to get on the wrong side of. Elsa noticed how he hadn’t noticed Hans had actually been away from The Southern isles for just over two year, the fact that he had hardly noticed his brother had been gone for that long made her heart sink but she made sure not to show it, concealing it with a warming smile.

Hans put on his clearly fake smile as the man approached them “Two years actually, but I guess that doesn’t matter... Queen Elsa, Meet Caius, my eldest brother, Caius, meet queen Elsa who I'm sure you have alrwady hea-“

“Queen Elsa, what a pleasure it is to meet you” Caius interrupted as he bowed down in front of her, taking her hand and kissing it.

“Uh..yes… a pleasure to meet you too” Elsa replied with an anxious tone.

“I'm assuming you two aren’t married, Hans would never be able to get a woman as perfect as you ma’am”

Elsa went to open her mouth but was stopped by the sound of the bell which signaled the beginning of the wedding.

Caius smiled at Elsa “I must dash, I cant miss Jens’ big day” he said as he rushed of back into the crowd as everyone took their seats.

Elsa and Hans took a seat at the back of the hall on the side of Jens’ friends and family. The ceremony begun and all went well, Elsa spent the majority of the time looking through the guests trying to work out which two were his parents even though she could only see the backs of peoples heads. After the ‘I do’s’ Everyone rose and made their way to the main hall, people began to dance but Elsa and Hans refrained themselves as they didn’t want to bring any unneeded attention over towards them it didn’t take long till a couple made their way over towards them both “Oh you made it Hans” The woman said with a clearly fake happy voice, hardly trying to make it sound realistic at all.

“Yes mother.” Hans said in a monotone voice.

So this was his mom, Elsa thought meaning he was his father.

“Oh.. and you brought the beautiful Queen Elsa with you, I bet you dream you could call her your wife” His father chuckled,

which immediately cued Elsa to use the idea she had planned the day she read the invitation.

“Oh hasn’t Hans told you Mr and Mrs Westerguard?” Elsa said in a kind yet slightly sly voice as she reached her left hand out to the both of them revealing a gorgeous diamond ring, Hans looked at the ring confused, his eyes wide at Elsa suddenly realizing her plan to make his parents appreciate him more  “Hans proposed to me a few days ago, your son is getting married to the queen of Arendelle, I bet your unbelievably proud of him…”


Don’t forget to leave a comment etc! I’ll love you forever -m x

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