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Hans didn’t leave her side for a single second, the thought of losing her pained him, but not in anyway he had ever experienced before, it was as if he could too feel the pain she was feeling, not to the same extent as she did but still enough to make him weak and wince in pain each time she did.

It had been just two days since Elsa first began to experience symptoms of this mystery. Kristoff and Anna had been looking after Arendelle while Elsa stayed in bed, her body finding it impossible to move. Her eyes were a dark and broken blue that had no warmth at all.

She would spend the majority of her time asleep with her hand in Hans’, doctor after doctor would visit her, doing every test they could on the young and now fragile queen. Hans spent every moment his eyes could hold themselves open just checking on Elsa as he sat in the iced over room that once felt so warm and full of love. But now it simply felt like room of loneliness that echoed when you spoke.

Hans sat by her side shivering and shaking from the weakness he felt and the cold around him as he pulled out a small box and placed it on the bed by her side so she could see it.

“Elsa” he whispered. Her eyes fluttered open as she peered at him through her lashes, unable to find the energy to open them any further.

“I asked Kristoff to go and get this for you, I bought it especially”

She looked down at the small rectangular box, seemingly made of silver which had her name carefully engraved on the top in a royal looking font, taking over the majority of the lid. She noticed her reflection, she was no longer the happy carefree woman, dazed with love. She was weak, she didn’t look or feel herself. Seeing how her body was coping with what was happening made her eyes tear up but she nodded her head slightly to signal for Hans to open it.

He smiled a weak smile, too weak to even show his teeth, his eyes were lost as he tried to conceal it, but to Elsa it was obvious, he just wanted his Queen back, the queen he had just a few days ago, not this frail excuse of a person, this wasn’t Elsa, Elsa was never weak.

He picked the box back up and pushed the unhinged side up with one hand, on the inside of the lid was a mirror and on the main part of the box was two small silver figures, recognizable as Hans and Elsa standing at the alter, facing one another holding both hands. Slowly the figures began to spin and their song began to play, echoing around the large ice filled room.

“Once upon a December” she whispered with a small smile, the music reminded her of every memory with Hans no matter how small. “I love it Hans, thank you” she said, her voice still hardly audible over the music that flowed from the box. She lifted her hand slowly to grab the folded up piece’s of paper that sat in the box, the first one was their vows written out neatly in his hand writing and the other was the love note he first sent declaring his love to her. As she began to read it Hans spoke it from his memory.

“To my Dearest Elsa,

I would like to thank you for every thing you have done for me these past two years, you're the only person who has continued to talk to me and has still treated me like a person, and I couldn’t thank you enough for that. Last night you made me the happiest man alive, simply letting me kiss your cheek made me happier than I have ever been and I believe that this is what true love is, I know you may continue to dislike me but I cant deny this anymore, and I cant hide it from you.

Elsa, I love you.

Hans Westerguard”

He got up and leant over her, kissing her cold frosted lips. She kissed him back softly till he pulled away.

“I’m sorry I'm hurting you like this” she said as her eyes filled with icy tears.

“Its not your fault, I just want to know what’s wrong with you so I can help you”

Elsa sighed and shut her eyes. She knew exactly what was wrong with herself, she just didn’t want it to be true.


Don’t forget to leave a comment etc! I’ll love you forever -m x

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