I find you intriguing

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“It depends what you mean by a lot” Hans chuckled softly, stretching out his back and running his hand through his hair to try and sort it out as much as he could. “I think everyone who attended the party is confused about you and I, Elsa, but you did what I said, you actually enjoyed yourself for one night” He said with a proud seeming smile. Elsa smiled back in a response and sighed. “You know how wrong this is don’t you? You and I? I'm meant to hate you. But I can’t, there's something inside of me that begs me to stay with you, to love you, yet I don’t understand it. How can I love you Hans?”

Hans exhaled loudly and looked deep into her ice blue eyes.

“I don’t know Elsa, you know I could never answer that because I could never know. But I am truly grateful that you have forgiven me for what I did. I could have never expected forgiveness for my disgusting behavior, the fact that you found a way to forgive me still astounds me. You're a gracious queen, Elsa…”

Elsa sat up and looked at him “No, Hans. I've simply learnt that in order to get forgiveness, you must learn to forgive, Everyone deserves a second chance, right?” she replied with a serious yet kind tone.

Hans nodded his head “Right.” He looked at her curiously. Her intelligence and kindness never ceased to amaze him.

Elsa looked back at him “I wish I knew what you were thinking you're looking at me strangely” wondered aloud, laughing slightly.

“Sorry... I just find you intriguing”

“Intriguing? In what way” she questioned.

“You’re very easy to talk to Elsa, you're very intelligent, also your conversation is never just mindless chatter, you almost always have a reason behind everything you say” he responded. “Last night was the best night of my life…you're an incredible dancer… and kisser” He laughed. Elsa smirked and jumped out of bed, reaching her hand out to him and pulling him up, out of his chair. She began to hum the beginning of the piece of music they had danced to the previous night. Hans chuckled and held her hand in place, pulling her in close with his hand rested back on her waist as he hummed along with her as the two of them danced around her bedroom, laughing whenever either of them made a mistake. Hans leant Elsa back into one of his arms as they came to the end of their dance, kissing her passionately, yet the kiss remained soft. “I love you Hans” Elsa breathed once they pulled away.

“I love you also.” He replied then began to hum a new piece of music, this piece had a faster tempo and Elsa had heard it a number of times but hearing it from Hans made it just that extra bit more special.

He pulled her back into place as they began to dance once again, both of them unable to control their smiles of genuine happiness. Elsa looked at the clock as they danced “Hans we’re late for breakfast!” she exclaimed as she continued to follow his steps, not wanting the moment to end. But he didn’t stop humming or dancing. He guided them both with intricate steps towards her bedroom door, opening it and dancing with her out of it down the corridor as they both gracefully spun and galloped towards the dining room. Their laughter and happiness echoed through the castle as the dance finally came to an end. Hans bowed and took her hand, both of them breathlessly laughing as they entered the hall for breakfast. Anna and Kristoff were already sat opposite them, looking over at the door way Elsa and Hans were walking through.

“You're late” Anna stated.

Don’t forget to leave a comment etc! I’ll love you forever -m x

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