True love is when...

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“I'm so sorry. We just lost track of time” Elsa's voice was laced with guilt.

“Clearly” Anna replied bluntly, pushing her plate away from her slightly to imply she had finished eating.

Both Elsa and Hans hardly ate; the tension in the room was too high and uncomfortable to eat in.

“True love..” Anna began.

“Anna, drop i-“

“True love is when two people love each other more than anything. Your every thought revolves around them; you get this fluttering feeling in your heart that you have never felt before. But what would I know about love Elsie?” Anna said, an underlying tone of anger, coated with sarcasm.

“Anna, I'm sorry for everything I've ever said. I know I had no right to. But if you're correct about what true love is, then Hans is my true love, no matter what I do, that’s how it is going to be, and no matter how much I distance myself from him, that will not change. Please don’t hate me for something I cant control” Elsa pleaded.

Anna shrugged her shoulders “Elsa, I accept your apology, but surely you cant expect me to be happy with you two being together.”

Elsa nodded and looked at her. “I know this is hard for you. But I know what I'm doing. I wont let him hurt me the same way he hurt you. I promise”

“I still don’t like him. If you two do anything more than a kiss on the lips I will not be impressed.” Anna said, completely serious.

“Anna!” Elsa exclaimed, her cheeks darkening to a shade of red as she buried her face in her hands.

Anna didn’t say anything, she simply got up and began to walk out of the room with Kristoff “Hans. Meet me in the garden at 2pm. Alone.” Anna said before walking out of the door before he could even think of a response.


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