Can I say something even crazier?

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Hans’ father choked on the champagne he had just take a sip on and his mother simply flicked her look between them. Hans was speechless, he looked at Elsa wide eyed but unlinked their arms to move his arm around her and onto her waist, pulling her closer to make the lie seem realistic, he was unsure of whether he should love or hate Elsa’s idea.

Elsa had decided that she wanted Hans to feel happy and confident at the wedding, and the only way this would happen is if he wasn’t being put down by his parents constantly for being the only Westerguard who hadn’t yet married. Elsa knew each of his brothers had married a princess from another kingdom, but Elsa didn’t just want to be even with them, she wanted to take it one step further, and what was better than Hans being able to say he was marrying the Queen who had the ability to control ice and Snow and therefore making Hans a king?

“He’s such a wonderful fiancé, such a sweetheart” she giggled as she placed her hand on his chest and kissed him, of course he kissed back with no hesitation.

“Engaged? T-to a Queen?!” His father stuttered in shock. “We always knew you could do it, our little angel all grown up! We’re so proud of you”

Hans scoffed “your opinion has changed very suddenly. You’ve never thought I could do it, you never believed in me, you never stood up for me but now you suddenly seem to care? Save your lies for someone who cares.” Hans growled angrily then looked at Elsa. “Lets go and enjoy the party, I would want any petty Westerguard arguments to ruin my fiancée’s day, and I'm sure the next piece of music is a favourite of yours!”

Elsa reached her ringed hand out to his parents shaking their hands “It’s been wonderful meeting the parents to such a charming young man”

They both shook her hand and Hans quickly pulled her away from them and onto the dance floor and got her into position. “What were you thinking?! Are you insane?!” Hans said only so Elsa could hear.

“I think anyone willing to be in a relationship with you has to be” she teased, kissing him gently.

The music began, it was the same music as had been played on the day they first danced together. They both began to dance, feeling the stares from everyone around them.

“This isn’t a time to joke Elsa, they think we’re getting married!”

“What does it matter, we’re going back to Arendelle in a matter of hours, and we act like a married couple most of the time” Elsa laughed as Hans twirl her around and leant her back in his arm then pulled her back up.

“You come up with the craziest idea’s, I don’t understand how your trusted to run a kingdom”

“Neither do I… it would probably be better if I had someone to run it with me…”

Hans raised one eyebrow “what are you hinting at?”

“Nothing!” She responded quickly.

“I love you Elsa” he whispered, kissing her gently.

“And I love you too” she murmured against his lips before she kissed him back.

“I want to show you something” He said as he pulled her arm, dragging her off the dance floor and out of the doors. He continued to pull her up the stairs, almost running.

“Slow down! You're not the one wearing high heeled shoes!” she laughed breathlessly.

Hans rolled his eyes and place one hand behind her back and the other scooped under her knees, lifting her off of her feet and into his arms as he carried her down the hallway and through a large set of doors that lead on to a balcony that had a gorgeous view of The southern isles, small lights glowed from the kingdom below them, and music faintly played in the distance as shooting stars darted passed them every so often.

 He placed her down and grabbed the hand that had the diamond ring that she had shown his parents.

“Beautiful ring… where did you get it? He asked as wriggled it gently off her finger.

“It was my mothers engagement ring, she gave it to me so I could use it when I got married…” she said quietly as she rubbed her finger where the ring had been.

Hans tilted his head as he admired it “I guess you'd want it used as your engagement ring also?” he asked, Elsa replied with a nod and a gentle smile as she turned to face the view, wishing of each shooting star she saw.

After a few minutes she turned back to face him to see him down on one knee before her with the ring held gently between his right index finger and thumb reached out towards her.

“you’ve had your turn at surprising me with a crazy and spontaneous idea, now its my turn. Queen Elsa of Arendelle... Would you do the honor of becoming my wife?”


Don’t forget to leave a comment etc! I’ll love you forever -m x

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