I think having you here would help

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After roughly half an hour Hans returned to Elsa’s room, pushing the door open slowly, smiling softly when the door was wide enough for him to see her, laying in bed sleepily as the alcohol drained from her system. He grabbed a glass of water from the dresser in her room and handed it to her. “here sweet heart, this should make you feel a little better.”

She took the glass and sipped at it a few times before handing it back to him “Thank you… I was wondering if you would sit with me while I fall asleep… I know it sounds stupid but I've been having these weird nightmares that have been stopping me from sleeping, and I think having you with me would help” she whispered.

A caring smile appeared on Hans’ face as he nod his head, pulling the closest chair to him, over to the side of her bed “Of course my queen” he answered, just as quietly, kissing the top of her head before sitting back in the chair, holding her hand as she shut her eyes.

“You know Hans, I regret a lot of things I said tonight, but telling you I love you was not one of them.” She mumbled, drifting quickly off to sleep.

“That makes me happier than you could ever imagine” he whispered, not wanting to disturb her as she began to fall into a deep sleep. He turned himself around so he was sitting on the chair sideways, his head resting on the back of the chair. Closing his eyes, but not for a moment letting go of her hand. After about ten minutes Hans opened his eyes as he felt something cold touch his skin, snowflakes fell around her, but they weren’t snowflakes of fear, it was far from a blizzard or a snow storm, they simply floated slowly through the air, so slowly that sometimes he was unsure of if they were even moving. Elsa laid still, the room silent, only the sound of her breathing to be heard. Time passed and the snow continued to fall at the same rate. “I love him” she muttered in her sleep. “Hans Westerguard” she breathed, going silent once again. Hans smiled, his smile was big, like a small child on Christmas day. “I love her. Queen Elsa of Arendelle” he sighed in a positive tone, closing his eyes once again and letting himself drift off to his own world of dreams.

Elsa woke up early the next morning, with a small smile, for the first time in weeks she had actually slept well. She looked down at her hand, which was still held in his. She sat up careful so not to wake him, looking around at the snow-covered room. It was just like any other morning, except this time she had slept well and she was happy, genuinely happy. She laid back down and turned to look at Hans who was sat awkwardly on her chair to try and make it comfortable for sleeping on. She laughed lightly as she looked him, he looked uncomfortable yet peaceful. His hair was a mess and still slightly damp from the events of last night yet he still looked perfect. Elsa's eyes widened as she began to remember everything she had said and done last night. Remembering the look of both anger and disappointment Anna had given her when they were caught by the fountain. This was going to take a ridiculous amount of apologizing before Anna would even think of forgiving her. She sighed and buried her face into the pillow.

Anna woke up at about the same time and climbed out of bed slowly so she wouldn’t wake Kristoff. She decided to go and check on Elsa. See if she slept in the same bed as him. “I bet he tried to take advantage of her just like he did with me” she said to herself angrily as she walked down the corridor. Elsa door was left ajar so Anna pushed it slowly to ensure it wouldn’t creak, or make any kind of sound that would disturb her. She peered in anxiously but relaxed when she saw she was the only one in the bed. She didn’t exactly love the sight of Elsa's hand in his, but there was less slow around the room this morning which meant she had slept well and it seemed although Hans was the reason behind it. The realization soon hit her that he really made her happy. Happier than Hans ever made Anna. She sighed and shut the door again. Leaving the two of them in peace, all Anna wanted was to see Elsa happy again, and if Hans was honestly going to protect and  help her then she would have to learn to grow to like him somehow.

Hans opened one eye and looked over at Elsa, stretching “Good morning Elsa, did you sleep well?” he asked in a low and croaky voice as he was still half asleep. “Mhm” she hummed, nodding her head and turning to face him. “I made a lot of mistakes last night… didn’t i?”

Dont forget to leave a comment etc! ill love you forever -m x

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