I'm sorry...

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Hans approached the door as quietly as he could, the room was dim with only the light from the glowing fire showing him his way but before he managed to get to the slightly open door, it swung open even further making Hans stop still, it was too dark to be able to see who, or what it was that had moved it as he squinted his tear filled eyes to try and see “H-Hello?” He whispered, trying desperately not to wake Elsa.

“Don’t leave her… not now, not ever. She needs you and I shouldn’t have tried to get in the way of that” The dark figure spoke as it quietly walked through the door and into the bedroom, the light finally hitting the face of Anna who’s cheeks glistened from the residue of her tears.

Hans looked up at her with a confused expression; she didn’t want him to leave her?

“Let me explain” She whispered as she guided him over toward the window where two chairs sat facing one another from where Hans and Elsa would sit and talk for hours while watching the northern lights. Anna and Hans took a seat and looked at one another.

“I heard everything you just said and I might hate you, but not enough to hurt you or Elsa like that, and after the events of today I have finally come to realize that you are her true love, and no matter what I say or do she will love you, and only you. I just need to know that you won’t hurt her like I did today. I hurt her like you hurt me, I took away someone she loved. Now finally I realize if I want her to be happy I need to allow you and her to live together happily without worrying about what my opinion will be, so Hans I forgive you and I'm sorry.”

A large smile graced Hans’ face as he reached out his hand ready to shake hers in an agreement of forgiveness but instead Anna wrapped her arms around him gently. This was the first time she had touched him since the great thaw and after a few moments of shock he wrapped his arms around what would soon be his sister-in-law.

“You don’t need to apologize Anna, you did nothing wrong, you were looking out for your sister and both me and Elsa knew that, if I was in your position I wouldn’t have agreed to it but I am so happy we can finally move on from the past. You mean a lot to me Anna. I know it doesn’t seem like it after everything I have done but I do, your opinion matters to me and I want you to be happy and I'm sorry I did so much to hurt you. I’m sorry and thank you”

Anna nodded and finally pulled away to sit back in her seat.

After a couple of seconds of silence Anna finally spoke “You can go to bed If you like, ill stay with Elsa… you’ve kept an eye on her all day and its getting late”

Hans chuckled lightly in response “I doubt I would get any sleep if I was away from her, I’d be better off back over there” he said as he signaled over to the chair he had been sitting on ever since Elsa’s break down, it was also the same chair he had sat on the first night he stayed over in Elsa’s room, looking after her again, it hadn’t been moved since that day.

Anna smiled at him and nod her head “As you wish, I will go and see how Kristoff is doing and  I will return in the morning... I'm glad we have sorted out our differences Hans.” She said as she lifted her tired body out of the chair and walked back towards the door she had came through. “Oh… and expect to have a beautiful bridesmaid’s dress on the day of your wedding” She giggled quietly “Good night” she whispered before finally leaving and shutting the door carefully behind her.

Hans grinned and stood up,, returning to the chair by Elsa's side, softly placing her hand in his once again, kissing it as softly as his lips would allow and sighing happily against her cool skin.

“It looks like we will get our happily ever after”


I COULDN'T STAND THE FACT THAT I WAS MAKING YOU GUYS UPSET SO I MADE IT HAPPY ASAP. i hope you like the change of emotion ^-^ (and sorry its short ive been at at 5 and a half hour long party and its 4.30 am... so sorry not sorry lul k bye)

Don’t forget to leave a comment etc! I’ll love you forever -m x

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