Our dysfunctional fairytale...

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Hans laid down on the bed by Elsa's side breathing deeply and not taking his eyes off of her for a  single second. He looked at her, taking in her beauty. To him she had no flaws, to him she was perfect. She always has been but for some reason she still left him breathless with not just her looks, but everything about her, her intelligence, her kind and caring personality and the extent of which she understood how he felt never ceased to astound him. He knew he didn’t deserve the forgiveness he gave her and he would never forget what he did those years ago, but the fact that Elsa had found a way to forgive the man that nearly killed her was beyond incredible, and he know he would forever be in debt to her for it.

Elsa looked back at him, taking note of how deep in thought he seemed whenever he looked at her which always confused her but she never wanted to question it. She smiled at him and sighed happily. She could spend the whole day just sitting with him, no words were needed just simply being in one another’s company was more than enough, everything else was an incredible bonus.

“I Love you so much Elsa. You know we’re going to have our own happily ever after, it might be a little dysfunctional to begin with but I want to do all I can to bring you the happiness you deserve.” He chuckled softly the slowly went back to his serious tone “Anything you ask of me I will do to the best of my ability. You know that, don’t you?” he asked.

She nodded her head, grinned and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “Of course I know that, I love you just as much as you love me… probably more” she replied with a wink.

Hans always loved it when Elsa showed her playful side. He smirked at her and raised an eyebrow. “Hmm… I don’t think I believe that… I think you're going to have to prove that theory” he teased.

Elsa smirked back and sat up, looking back down at Hans who remained laid down. She ran her ice cold finger along his jaw liked and shook her head “uh uh uh.. I don’t think I need to prove anything Mr Westerguard” she giggled and leant down so there was just a few millimeters between their lips. She hovered there for a moment, teasing him slightly before pushing her lips against his passionately, running her ice cold fingers through his hair gently. Hans immediately kissed her back as both their hearts raced as all that mattered in that moment was each other and the happiness they both felt as Hans kicked off his boots to one side, and began to unbutton his jacket, his lips never leaving hers.                                                                                          

 (sorry this is so short, the next one will be longer!!) Don’t forget to leave a comment etc! I’ll love you forever -m x

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