O Romeo, Romeo!

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The royal couple sat hand in hand with large smiles plastered onto their faces as they watched their guests enjoy the party. The conductor of the royal band gave Hans a nod which made him jump up and kneel before his wife.

“Elsa would you do me the honour of joining me in this dance?”

Elsa nodded, how could she decline an offer from her husband, she gave him her left hand as he pulled her up out of her throne and onto the dance floor but as soon as they got into place everyone simply stood around the edge of the room watching them, no one else joined in.

“Why is no one else danc-“ she began to ask but Hans silenced her with a kiss, the ballroom erupted with the sound of ‘aw’s’ making Elsa blush with such a big crowd.

Hans held one hand in place as the other one found her waist, but slowly crept round to her back and began to make its way down.

“ah ah ah! I don’t think so!” Elsa laughed, grabbing his hand and placing it back on her waist, Hans responded with a pouted lip and a small laugh before the music began. It only took Elsa second to realize what the song was as they took their first steps, their intricate steps, taking them gracefully across the floor, both looking into one another’s eyes. The two of them hummed along to the song they first danced to together to.

As the music came to an end the audience around them began to clap, but before Elsa even had time to begin to appreciate it she was pulled through the open doors that lead out to the gardens. Elsa laughed through both happiness and confusion but she didn’t question any of his choices, when suddenly it became clear what his plan was. He pulled her quickly over to the fountains edge, sitting down onto it and pulling Elsa down by his side.

“I don’t think we’ll have Anna screaming at us this time” he chuckled as he leant in and kissed her soft lips, she kissed him back passionately as her hand made its way up to his cheek as they continued, not pulling away until a breath of oxygen was needed. 

“Every kiss just as good at the first Mrs Westerguard, and I hope to receive millions more” Hans said, his voice slightly breathless as they kept their eye contact.  Elsa gigged and nodded, wiping away the lipstick that had transferred its self onto his skin. “Most definitely my King” she replied with a small smirk. “I know we have just reenacted our first.. uh.. date, but I’d much rather not take a swim in the fountain this time”

Elsa laughed in response and stood up with her hand in his “Me too, lets go back inside…” They began to walk back inside and was greeted by people bowing and curtsying as they noticed the newly wed royals. “Elsa, I'm going to go and talk to my parents, we still have some things to sort out and I doubt ill be seeing them again after today unless they wan to make the effort to visit Arendelle, so go and spend sometime with that sister of yours and ill meet you on the balcony at 12.”

Elsa was about to ask him why but simply nodded and kissed his cheek gently before wondering off into the crowd towards Anna who was talking to some of the citizens of Arendelle, treating them although they were no different from the royals that surrounded them.

Hans took a deep breath as he watched his beautiful wife disappear out of sight, he pulled at his collar which felt tighter as the nerves crept in. He finally stride up to them, trying to seem as confident as he could “Mother, Father.” He said in a serious tone, Them two words always feeling foreign to him, they had never acted like parents, it would feel more normal to him if he was to call them by their first names but out of respect he went against the idea.

“That Elsa is such a sweet young lady, we’re so proud of y-“

Hans raised an eye brow at the two of them “Are you really proud of me? Or are you proud of the fact that you can say a son of yours got married to a queen? And not just any queen, the queen of Arendelle who possesses enough power to freeze every kingdom in Europe?”

“Hans, we have apologized as much as we can, you know what it feels like to be hated, but both Princess Anna and Queen Elsa forgave you. Now please learn to forgive us.”

Anger began to rage inside of him but he concealed it quickly. He couldn’t stand it when people, especially the people that called themselves his parents brought up the mistakes everyone had finally began to forget. He turned his attention to the large clock that was presented at one end of the hall.

“I have to go and see my wife, it was such a pleasure to have you here, feel free to visit again.”  Hans replied sarcastically as he spun on his heels and walked back out of the door out to the gardens.

He walked out as quietly as he could. It was now 12 o’clock and after talking to Anna and Kristoff Elsa had made her way up to the balcony as Hans had requested. She looked out at the northern lights that darted around above her head which meant Hans’ entrance was unnoticed, he stood close to the building so he could remain unseen.

“Act two, scene two.” Hans stated, startling Elsa but of course she could place his voice quickly, causing her to relax again. She looked confused for a moment before he spoke again.

“But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Elsa is the sun! Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou her maid art far more fair than she. Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green, And none but fools do wear it. Cast it off. It is my lady, O, it is my love! O that she knew she were! She speaks, yet she says nothing; what of that? Her eye discourses, I will answer it. I am too bold: 'tis not to me she speaks. Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat her eyes

To twinkle in their spheres till they return. What if her eyes were there, they in her head? The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, As daylight doth a lamp. Her eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night. See how she leans her cheek upon her hand, O that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek!”

Romeo and Juliet. The Balcony scene, had he really learnt every word to this scene just for their wedding, she smiled immensely as she looked down from the balcony at him. “O Hans, Hans! Wherefore art thou King Hans!” She giggled.

Hans chuckled and began to climb up the trellis that lead to the balcony’s edge. “O blessed, blessed night! I am afeard. Being in night, all this is but a dream, Too flattering-sweet to be substantial” he called up to her until he was high enough to climb over the railing, placing his hands on her waist and lifting her up into the air, spinning around before placing her back down. “I thought I’d be romantic for once” he teased as they walked back inside.

“I'm so lucky to be able to call you mine, to be as deeply in love with you as Juliet was with Romeo, a love story with such a tragic ending yet told so beautifully that I can do nothing but love it.”

“Just like I love you” He said, closing it with a kiss. “The party will be drawing to an end soon, we should get back, then I want to spend the time with my beautiful wife that I love so dearly”

I ATTATCHED A VIDEO OF THE MUSIC THEY DANCED TO TOGETHER <3 IT MIGHT COME IN IMPORTANT IN THE STORY . (If you cant see it because youre on the app its called 'Once upon a december' from the movie Anastasia)

Alsoplease note I had A LOT of difficulty writing this chapter and i believe its VERY weak so i am VERY sorry... the next chapter will be better i promise!!! 

Don’t forget to leave a comment etc! I’ll love you forever -m x



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