Everything's just a blur...

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Elsa stood in her room with her left hand placed on the glass of her window as she peered down at all of the people entering the castle with the sun still rising in the distance, the golden sunlight shimmering across the fjord. Ice swirled up the glass causing her to pull her hand away. She clasped her hands together and fiddled with the ring on her finger anxiously.

Anna rushed in the door excitedly “I'm coming! I'm coming! Right hold still!” she giggled as she took a firm hold on the two silk ribbons that would hold Elsa’s corset together. She pulled it tightly causing Elsa to gasp and grip onto the window sill.

“You know, it would be great if I was able to breathe today Anna!” Elsa uttered only just able to make herself audible.

Anna laughed and loosened it slightly before tying a knot to secure it and then a bow as the final touch. She stepped away and looked at the back of Elsa with a large smile, the white lace looking ever so elegant on Elsa’s fair skin. After a few thoughts to try and calm herself down, Elsa slowly spun herself around to face her sister with an nervous smile.

“Oh Elsa! Y-you look incredible!” Anna said as her eyes filled with tears that began to fall down her rosy cheeks.

“No no! You're going to ruin your make up!” Elsa urged, running her thumb under Anna’s eyes, wiping away any tears and make up that began to move out of place.

“Stop worrying about me! I just never thought this day would ever come, I still remember from when we were younger and I would tell you of all of the dreams where I met my prince charming and you would always say…”

“Yuck! I'm never going to fall in love! I want to be alone and free” Elsa and Anna said in sync and began to laugh.

“Well a lot has changed since we were little, can I look in the mirror yet?!” Elsa giggled and Anna nodded “Shut your eyes”, Anna checked Elsa's eyes were shut before moving the mirror that she had hidden to in front of her “Now open!”

Elsa opened her eyes and looked at her reflection, there she stood in a gorgeous glimmering white dress that hugged her body perfectly. The satin had a subtle ice detailing all over the dress similar to a glittering lace which then extended out into a train that dusted the floor with a light dusting of snow where ever she walked. Her eyes widened as she looked herself up and down, twisting to one side to look at the back of the dress. It was finally happening. She looked back at the ring on her finger just before Anna thrust a bouquet of white roses into her hand and positioned Elsa’s crown carefully in her hair which now had an attachment of a veil that sat softly on her hair and back.

Anna stood next to her in the mirror in her light blue bridesmaid dress that made her look simply adorable. The two of them looked at one another with a proud smile and nodded, signaling it was time for it to begin. Elsa lifted her chin slightly to make herself appear more confident and in control than she genuinely was feeling on the inside.

They finally reached the large oak doors, which behind it lead her new future. She linked her arms around Anna’s; she could feel her heart pounding loudly in her chest as her head involuntarily nodded, signaling for the doors to open and the ceremony to begin. All of the guests rose as the large doors opened, the music began and the sound of people making small comments and compliments as their eyes set on Elsa, but all she could focus of was Hans who stood facing away from her at the opposite end of the aisle, even from this far away she could see he was shaking with nerves making her giggle slightly as she made her way down the aisle. Everything other than Elsa and Hans just seemed a blur.

Don’t forget to leave a comment etc! I’ll love you forever -m x

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