You know exactly what I mean...

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Hans sighed and closed his eyes and shook his head, he passed the letter to Elsa so she could read it herself, his hands shaking with anger.

Elsa re-opened the letter and looked at the letter her face falling to a frown the more she read of it… The letter read:

“Dear Prince Hans Westerguard…

We are writing to you to inform you of your brother, Prince Jens Westerguard’s and Princess Catherine Asper’s wedding in one week’s time as we would like for you to see what you could have accomplished in your life.

We invite you  back to the Southern Isles to attend this event and we expect you to not bring anymore shame to the Westerguard’s name than you already have.

Yours sincerely,

Karolina and Aleksander Westerguard”

The way in which Hans’ parents spoke to him disgusted her greatly. She lifted her eye line back up to meet Hans glowing green eyes.

“Your parents talk to you like this? I know you haven’t been the best person in your life but you are far from the worst.. and you're their son!” Elsa exclaimed in anger.

“They don’t talk to me like that because of what I did to you and Anna they’ve always spoken to me like that… Now that Jens is getting married, that means all of my brothers are married, they’ve done something I've never been able to do… I’m an embarrassm-“

“No you're not…don’t put yourself down like that”

Hans sighed and took the letter from her hands and scrunched it up in his fist tightly.

“I'm not going.” He protested like a stubborn child.

“Yes you are... You can’t miss your brothers wedding! I'm sure everything will be just fine once when you get there”

“No Elsa. They don’t want me there, the only reason they're inviting me is because it will look bad if they don’t send one of their son’s an invite. So no, I'm not going just to be made fun of, I've only just got away from them and I don’t intend on ever going back, okay?!” he laid with a slight rage, trying not to get angry at Elsa, it wasn’t her fault after all but he couldn’t go back there after all that had happened, and he didn’t want to have to put up with the constant teasing of not being married, no, not again, never again.

Elsa gave him a stern look “We’re going.”

Hans’ expression suddenly changed to a look of confusion “what do you mean ‘We’re going’?” He repeated, his voice raised on the word ‘we’re’.

“You know exactly what I mean Hans. You and I are going to the southern isles.”


Don’t forget to leave a comment etc! I’ll love you forever -m x

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