True love is putting someone else's needs before yours...

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“Wait! Just let me expl-“
“No Elsa. I'm sorry, I know you love him but I love you too much to let him hurt you like he hurt me. What kind of sister would I be if I put you at that risk?! Elsa you know I'm only doing this because I care about you!” Anna’s voice was somewhat angry, how could Elsa ever expect her to say yes to this ridiculous idea? Does she not remember what happened only two years ago, they could have both been dead because of him; she’s lucky she agreed to let them be in a relationship together!

“I know…” Elsa replied but this was unlike Elsa, Elsa never gave in… unless she was truly hurt. Elsa got up and glanced up at Anna for a brief moment “I knew it was too much to ask…” she began to walk away, running her fingers across the edge of the fountain where Hans and Elsa first spent time together properly but instead of the water running freely it froze at her touch with sharp edges, just like the day of her coronation but this was worse, the ice was black but Elsa hardly noticed as she walked quickly away from Anna, trying to hold in the tears that were already flowing down her face.

“Elsa I…” Anna began but Elsa raised her hand to stop her as she rushed quickly into the distance of the royal gardens.
Snow began to fall over Arendelle and dark clouds covered the sky blocking out the sun. Snow flakes spun around Elsa violently as she ran through the bushes until she hit a wall which she leant her back against and pushed her head back as she breathed deeply, trying desperately to calm herself down.

“You knew this would happen. Don’t over react, he still loves you and you still love him. Y-you just have to rule alone. That’s it. You can deal with that right?” Elsa said to herself, but deep down she knew she couldn’t, that amount of work involved with ruling Arendelle was made for two people, and as much as Elsa wished to believe she was coping, she couldn’t deal with that amount of stress anymore, and Hans’ proposal was that small glimmer of hope that she was no longer alone.

“Elsa! I’m Sorry!” A distant voice shouted, it was obviously Anna but it was impossible to see her through the blizzard.

Elsa scrunched up her hands into fists as she tried to regain control over her powers once again. The snow stopped, but it didn’t disappear, the snowflakes just hung in the air dead still. Silence.

Elsa collapsed to the floor as her powers drained her body of every last ounce of energy.

Darkness clouded her once confused and upset mind. All of the sound disappeared completely. She drained of colour and she became colder than usual as she laid on the snow covered grass. 

Elsa awoke to the sound of a crackling fire, her eyes slowly opened as she laid weak in her bed, hand held by Hans “I'm so sorr-“ She began to say but her voice was a quiet whisper, hardly audible over the sound of the fire.

“Shhh, you need to rest” he said with a comforting and gentle voice, although she was fragile. Seeing Elsa like this hurt Hans so much and he couldn’t help but blame himself for this, all of this, if he just went back to The Southern Isles and got what he deserved in the first place then none of this would have happened.

Elsa closed her eyes again slowly and lifted her hand which was interlinked with his up toward her cheek, his body heat relaxing her. Hans stroked her hair softly as he watched her closely, not wanting to take his eyes off of her incase her health and control was to deteriorate again. He couldn’t think of losing her, he needed her as much as she needed him, a single tear began to roll down his cheek as he watched his beautiful, courageous and powerful queen lay vulnerable and lifeless on her bed.

“I'm sorry, if it wasn’t for me you would have moved on and found someone you deserved and that Anna could love like a brother. Not the monster I am. I'm sorry Elsa. I've let you down and its all because I'm hopelessly in love with you, more in love than I could ever imagine but I cant stand to watch it hurt you like this.” He cried quietly…tears falling down his cheeks one after another as he kissed her hand softly before placing it down by her side as he stood up and wiped away his tears. “I love you enough to know you'd be better without me here. So I guess this is where our love story must come to an end. It wasn’t how I wished but you gave me the happiest moments in my life that I will never forget. Queen Elsa of Arendelle, I love you.”

He took another deep breath and kissed her lips one last time as she laid peacefully asleep on her bed, he knew it was the right thing to do, if he really love her he would put the relationship between Elsa and Anna first, even if it meant it hurt him. He took one last look at his Queen before turning to walk towards the door.­ That was true love.


Don’t forget to leave a comment etc! I’ll love you forever ( SORRY IF THIS IS TERRIBLE, ITS 9.45.AM AND I HAVENT SLEPT YET. OKAY. THX. BYE.) -m x

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