Buried Memories.

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He opened his eyes only to find himself in a place surrounded by infinite whiteness and nothing else.

"So, this is paradise? " He had questioned knowing well that he had left his last breath and the end to his human life had come to an end after his life had completed his normal circle.

The memories that he had of his mortal life started vanishing all off a sudden leaving him with nothing in his recalling memory only the feelings of the soul being carried on this knew world he had found himself at.

He looked around thinking that he must be alone in this vast mist of white but obviously that was not quite the reality he would be introduced at in such a while.

His steps which he took roaming around with no direction or destination whatsoever, took him to a big golden gate that seemed to be standing in the middle of nowhere.

Before he could even think of the strange  phenomenon the cloudy surface that was stable to walk in it till that moment changed, letting him fall for what seemed like hours, till he once again arrived in another unknown and strange place to him, however in that one he was not alone.

He could see other creatures just like him around, dressed in white clothing like he himself was. He left his gaze to travel around in wonder of this unknown situation till in his view fell the presence of some creatures that even though had some similarities with humans like him were much different as well as far more mesmerizing.

Their white wings that were decorating their backs as well as the luminous golden halos that were standing above their heads made them win his atmost attention and adoration.

He kept his eyes pinned on their direction unable to look away off this sight that was taking his breath away and making his body tremble.

An angel that suddenly shot her head his way noticed the presence of the new soul that has happened to join the place that her and two more archangels were in charge of as this place is just a one of the million spaces that exist to gather the souls that are unable to be judged directly and send to were their souls belong, Heaven or Hell accordingly.

And Jimin was part of those people that were mostly nor to good nor extremely bad so he had came to this place as most of the human souls pass by, to be judged accordingly after he is given a task that will define his outcome.

The way you will perform your task defines your souls destination and as thus your happiness or misery for eternity.

The Archangel smiled looking his way while she decided to approach him assuming about his confused thoughts that must be running through his mind.

"Welcome Jimin.  We have been waiting for your arrival." Her voice that smoothly flew out of the female's Archangel lips captured his heart instantly, making him feel like it was throbbing out of control. However that was not unusual as those were common feelings for someone that lies eyes on such a creature famed for his pure beauty and overflowing warmth that was gifted to you when being on it's presence.

Jimin opened his mouth to speak, wanting to ask her how did she knew his name or that he was coming but he seemed unable to let his voice out at the sight of her beauty that had paralyzed his body and set fire to his heart.

"No need to worry my friend. Come. I will explain everything you need to know in this short stop to your souls eternal journey." She, with a bright smile added while opening her arms wide, welcoming him to his step before his souls salvation or doom.

That Archangel was the first creature that Jimin had talked to after having left his human memories and life back and as thus that Archangel became his only sight as she had captured his heart wholly.

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