The start of the end

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Black feathers were decorating the floor of your house making it look almost like they had fallen deliberately to create a dark path in which you were now stepping on.

You had managed to return home your condition having worsen drastically and rapidly almost as fast as the rays of the sun that will make their appearance on your window as morning had come to greet the land of Angels one more time.

Your legs gave up on you before you managed to arrive at your bed making you land on the ground at the end of it while some amount of blood was extracted out of your mouth before all your body started loosing its life energy and your consciousness started drifting away covering everything in black .

A room full of black feathers coming from your once pure white wings that were now stained with many dark colored once in between them making it look like a black and white painting whose colors had run into each other ruining a perfect white canvas.

The first warm rays of the sun didn't took long to enter into your space touching the bed sheets and warming them eventually with its presence. You remained unconscious on the floor till the time passed and the suns position moved finally letting his warmth fall upon your cold skin that had turn as pale as that of a dead human ,like a frame without a soul to keep it alive .

After the light had finally found you a strong wind blew opening wide the window that was positioned over your head ,soon flying in different herbs and liquids that run to your help ,covering your wounds and healing them gradually .

Once again the nature you had given love and respect to was returning to you the favor taking care of you like you took care and paid your respects to mother nature every day ,with a generous heart and pure intentions. Thence the caring mother had returned the condition of your body to a more stable one leaving only small scratches momentarily behind , reminders of the wounds that ones where there.

The fresh water that was floating in the air and came closer, touching your forehead made you regain your senses so you slowly opened your eyes being met with the leaves that were dancing in mid air accompanied by golden sparkles of warm light.

Your still tired lips curved upwards at the sight before you murmur a sincere thank you making the leaves take their exit from the same place they entered , leaving you alone at the floor of your room.

You pushed your body to a seated position before you started taking in the surroundings  that you were in facing the black feathers that you were lying in between . You forced yourself to stand up wanting to take a look at you wings that you opened wide once you were standing at your own two feet and started examining them . In between the once all white feathers now were some black almost at the equal amount which the white ones were.

You looked at them terrified while you made some steps towards you mirror to check if there were any other changes and that was when your eyes grew wide seeing a reflection slightly different from the one you knew till some hours ago.

Your once black hair had now strands of white hair  tangled in between like a part of them had aged making their vivid color fade out to an impure white.

You brought your fingers to touch your hair while your eyes had started getting filled with tears as fear had engulfed your entity for the time being. Million thoughts passing in your mind and the book's messages flashing in between reminding you that you had been warned for this many times yet you had ended up getting the path you were supposed to avoid.

Okay.Don't panic. Don't panic. Just think, find a solution.Think.

You calmed yourself down knowing well that panic would solve nothing as well as knowing that you had no time to be wasting especially knowing the condition you were in because you knew well what the changes on you meant and unfortunately they weren't good news.

The eyes behind the wall//PJMWhere stories live. Discover now