Sudden Complication

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Susanna had been immediately triaged for expert examination and they confirmed she was in active labor before moving them into their reserved suite. As it was a birthing center, rather than a hospital, the suite was quite roomy and luxurious with several amenities and plenty of equipment. The midwife, Evelyn, and doula, Lauryn, arrived shortly and were followed by the grandparents- jittery and excited.

Due to center policies, only two at a time were allowed in the room besides Sherlock. So the four grandparents, as Niles and Marigold weren't able to attend, took turns waiting upstairs in the large waiting lounge. Violet and Thalia took the first turn, helping Susanna change into her   red 3-in-1 transition gown and pull her hair into a loose braid. Sherlock familiarized himself with the room as they did so, locating the medical equipment as well as the birthing aids and other features of the suite.

Susanna was quickly drawn to the birthing bar, so for a while that's where she stayed- leaning onto the sturdy bar and bracing through contractions. Lauryn worked with Sherlock to help her try new positions and movements as Evelyn popped in intermittently to monitor the mother and baby. After the bar, Susanna moved on to the yoga ball before requesting a walk around the halls. Lauryn walked with the soon to be parents, providing support during contractions as Sherlock braced Susanna. After the walk she continued experimenting with other aids, saving the plumbed in pool for later.

By midnight, things were still progressing, albeit slow and steady. Susanna had dilated to six centimeters and her water had finally broken around nine PM, which seemed to be helping despite making the contractions more painful. Evelyn and Lauryn said that the baby would probably make their appearance by early morning. It was enough to make Sherlock and Susanna laugh, since the first due date they got was in fact the thirtieth.

She rocked and bent forward, using the bar to brace as another contraction took hold. Sherlock stood behind her and firmly squeezed her hips, applying pressure that helped relieve the contraction pain and help move the baby down, "You're doing wonderfully, Love." He encouraged.

"Breathe, Susanna, breathe. Maintain your rhythm," Lauryn coached as the contraction peaked, "You're doing great using your sounds, keep it up."

Another thirty seconds passed and the contraction subsided. Sherlock released his grip on Susanna, who took a deep breath of relief, "I didn't think it'd take this long..." She moaned.

"First babies take longer because your body hasn't done this before. This is perfectly normal and you're doing an awesome job." Lauryn soothed as Evelyn returned to monitor the baby. The doula got up to record the new contraction time and make a couple of notes. Sherlock gently massaged Susanna's back and neck, meanwhile, to keep her relaxed before the next contraction came. The grandparents had been shooed upstairs by Sherlock after Susanna started feeling crowded. Luckily no one was offended- rather they had been quietly, patiently waiting with each other.

Susanna groaned all of a sudden, though not in the way she had been doing to help the baby move down and release pain. It was different, more like a grunt. Sherlock went on alert, "Susanna?" She made the sound again, starting to rotate and curl her lower back and hips, "Lauryn!"

Their doula immediately popped back over, "What is it?" Her expression sobered when Susanna made the noise again, "Susanna, you've got to tell us what you're feeling."

Susanna let out a breath, "I feel like I need to push... But I'm still not fully dilated, right?"

Lauryn quickly called Evelyn back in, "Don't push, just let the urge blow over and breathe through the contraction. You shouldn't be feeling the urge to push this soon."

"What's the issue?"

"Premature need to push." Sherlock steadied his wife as Evelyn and Lauryn delicately checked her. His concern grew when the midwife and doula made concurring noises that indicated something negative had happened.

Evelyn stood up, "You're feeling that urge because part of your cervix is swelling and closing up. You've regressed to five centimeters."

"What?! Why?"

"It could be that the baby's head isn't quite where it should be and it's messing with the blood flow, or you've got too much pressure down there." Evelyn explained.

Lauryn interjected, "We can get the swelling to go down, however. But you'll need to move to either the bed or the pool."

Susanna blew out, "... Pool."

"Alright then, let's get you changed then."


"Yes, Love?"

"Get Ma." Sherlock nodded and kissed her cheek, gently handing her over to Lauryn and Evelyn. He managed to maintain a semi-calm pace on his way to the waiting lounge, but worried look in his eyes were all Thalia needed. She was on her feet immediately.

"What's happened?"

"She's swelling and her dilation has regressed back to five centimeters. We're getting her ready for the pool to help counteract it."

"Oh dear goodness! Did she start pushing?"

"No, she knew it was too early." Sherlock spared a glance to the other three, each with concerned expressions.

"Let's go." Thalia declared and they returned to the suite. Susanna had just changed into her dark blue tankini when they entered and the pool was filling up. Thalia redid her hair before the pool was full, and then Sherlock helped Susanna into the spacious birthing tub. Lauryn had her turn onto her left side and float, supported by Sherlock. Thalia and Lauryn tag teamed to massage and relieve some of the pressure in her lower back and abdomen and Evelyn stayed at the edge, monitoring vitals.

An added benefit was that Susanna started to relax and with coaxing from Thalia, mainly, she dozed off. Sherlock kept her safely above water, glad that she was finding relief enough to rest before transition and delivery. About forty five minutes later Lauryn checked her, "The swelling has gone down. There's still a bit of a lip but that shouldn't be a problem now. And she's just breached seven centimeters. I think it was an issue of too much pressure."

Sherlock exhaled and smiled, stroking Susanna's arms, "You're getting very close now, Love." He whispered.


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