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It had been a long day for the team, they had nothing to do and were currently sitting around wondering if boredom could kill them. However they were saved when Batman's name was announced by the zeta tubes and they went to see if they had a mission. Batman waited for a minute before he told them their mission, to sneak into a government building.

"No one knows what they're working on and an anonymous tip said it was dangerous and should be destroyed." The team left as soon as they could and they wondered what in the world these people were working on. Robin went over what little information they had and he wondered what they could be working on.

He didn't get long to wonder at that point because they landed not long after that, at least he could find out himself. The team made their way through the forest surrounding the government building before they heard gunshots. They hid behind some trees and someone started running across the path they had been following.

A teen wearing white combat boots that reached his knees, black pants, a white belt, a long black coat, a white shirt, and white gloves appeared. The only reason they could make out all of those details was because he stopped and turned around. "Come and get me you incompetent morons!"

Robin saw him smirk when some people shouted and they shot at him, he laughed a little before he ran again. Just before he disappeared Robin saw a thick set of manacles on his wrists and they didn't look new. The teen disappeared into the forest and Kid Flash spoke into the mind link, 'Who was that?'

Artemis glared at him, 'How would we know?'

Megan looked at where the teen disappeared, 'Should we go after him?'

Aqualad thought for a second, 'He didn't act like he was in danger but he could get injured.'

Superboy crossed his arms, 'Our mission isn't to help some kid, it's to see what's in that government base.'

Robin shrugged, 'Maybe the people chasing him have something to do with what's going on.'

Everyone thought about what Robin said for a second before Aqualad spoke again, 'Then do we help him or complete the mission?' They all looked at each other before saying that they should help the teen and just like that they were off. They looked for any sign of the teen as they ran but they didn't see anything aside from strange scorch marks.

Megan sighed, 'Where is he?' They stopped running for a second before they heard shouting and someone shot at them.

Several people dressed in white were pointing what looked like blasters at them and one spoke, "You're trespassing, leave or we shoot."

A voice came out of nowhere, "A little late for that, don't you think?" The people didn't even have time to react before the strange boy jumped out of a tree and kicked someone in the face. The people started shooting at him and the boy smirked, he actually smirked, before he ran at another person and took something.

The boy had a key in his hand and he unlocked the manacles, once they hit the ground the people froze. The boy dropped the key and cracked his knuckles before he ran at the people and quickly knocked them out. The heroes were shocked but as soon as more people showed up they snapped out of it.

Robin ran to the boy and grabbed his wrist, "I think running would be a good idea." The boy gave him a questioning look as Robin dragged him away from the unconscious people. The teen mentally shrugged, this seemed like it could be interesting so he'd follow along, for now.

The heroes ran back to the bio-ship since they probably wouldn't be able to get into the base now that they had been seen. When they were all on the bio-ship they left as soon as they could and the heroes looked at each other. Artemis spoke, "Batman's not going to be happy."

Most of the heroes froze and the teen almost laughed but he forced himself not to. Kid Flash sighed, "He's going to kill us."

The teen rolled his eyes but none of the heroes saw it, he shook his head a little and focused on the conversation again. Miss Martian looked at them, "We'll be at the mountain in about forty-five minutes, maybe Batman won't be that mad."

She was wrong, when they got to the mountain Batman was waiting for them and he was pissed. He didn't even notice the teen as he addressed the heroes, "I told you to make sure you weren't seen. Not only were you seen but you didn't even get into the base before they saw you, what happened?"

Batman then noticed the teen and his eyes widened a little before he glared at him, "Who are you?"

The teen threw his hands into the air, "Finally! I know you're called Batman but I didn't know you were as blind as the actual animal, what the fuck Batman?!"

Everyone was shocked but Batman quickly got over it and glared at the teen more intensely. "Who are you?"

The teen saw the glare and he suddenly started laughing, his arms held his stomach and his laugh sounded deranged. The teen calmed down after a minute, "If you seriously think you can intimidate me you're wrong. Honestly the whole bat glare thing is fucking hilarious, I have no idea why anyone is scared of it."

Batman just looked irritated now, "Tell me your name."

The teen huffed before he suddenly looked thoughtful and he shrugged, "I don't have a name, people just called me things. They never said my name though, I lost the name I had before so now I don't have one." A few of the young heroes gave him sad looks but the teen didn't seem to care, "Whatever. I didn't like what they called me anyway, I bet they would have given me a stupid name, or a boring one."

Batman raised an eyebrow, "Who's they?"

The teen rolled his eyes, "You've been talking about them this whole time, those guys in the government building."

Batman looked slightly shocked before he went back to his usual expression and he walked over to the teen. He quickly took out a pair of handcuffs and put them on the teens wrists but the white haired teen didn't try to stop him. He just had a look on his face that said 'god damn it' and he gave Batman an irritated look.

Batman ignored it, "You're staying here for questioning."


Hey! So I know I haven't posted in a while so this new story is an apology for that. It's also a thank you for over one hundred followers, seriously, you guys came out of freaking no where! Anyway I should be able to update this story more regularly so you'll finally have a story from me to read on a regular basis again! Thanks again and see you next time dear readers!

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