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Robin eventually found Specter sitting outside, the ghost had found a ledge on the side of the mountain and was currently sitting there. Robin hesitated for a second before he spoke to get Specter's attention, "What are you doing out here?"

Specter turned to him and raised an eyebrow, "I could ask you the same thing."

Robin walked over to Specter and sat next to him, he was surprised that the ledge gave them a good view of the ocean and some other land around them. Robin looked at Specter, "So why do you keep avoiding us?"

Specter laughed but it didn't sound like it usually did, it sounded like it was more genuine then when he suddenly laughed for no apparent reason. "Why the hell wouldn't I, seriously, who wants to hang out with a ghost that hears voices in their head?"

Robin stared at Specter for a minute before he spoke again, "Do you like the voices in your head?"

Specter laughed again and this time it sounded crazed like it usually did, "No, they're pricks and I hate dealing with them." Specter scowled, "You know you are so don't even try to deny it."

Robin stared at Specter for a minute, "Do they talk all the time?"

Specter had a strange look on his face, "It depends, sometimes their quiet but most of the time their either talking or yelling."

Robin hummed and thought for a second, "What do they sound like?"

"It depends on which one your talking about, Shadow and Static sound different, especially from the others."

Robin looked confused, "Who are Shadow and Static, and what do you mean others?"

Specter criss crossed his legs and rested an elbow on his knee while resting his head on his hand. "Shadow and Static are my voices names, all of the others are sort of like jumbled background noise but those two are easy to hear."

"Why did you name them Shadow and Static?"

Specter laughed darkly, "Are you sure you want to know more about what it's like to be insane?" Robin stared at Specter with wide eyes, he didn't know why but it seemed like Specter didn't think anyone even cared. Specter took the heroes silence as a no to his question and he got up, "I thought so, I'll see you around hero."

Specter left before Robin could say anything and the hero was left alone to wonder what was going on in Specter's head. Specter had bluntly stated that he was insane but what exactly did that mean in his case? Robin had no idea who Specter even was, the only things they knew about him were that he was a ghost and he was insane.

Robin thought for what felt like hours before he sighed and went back inside, he wasn't surprised to see that Specter was gone. Specter had hidden in the vents and he was listening to his voices talk, more like annoy him. Specter rolled his eyes before he created a jagged piece of ice and stabbed himself in the arm with it.

Specter growled to himself, "There, now leave me alone." Specter hated it when the two were loud, at least now they'd be a little quieter so he could actually concentrate. There wasn't a whole lot he wanted to think about but if they were quieter he could either rest or just enjoy the blissful quiet.

Shadow growled at him, "What the fuck was that anyway you fucking moron?"

Specter ignored him and Static spoke, "How could you be so stupid, that whole thing was a mistake!"

Specter bit back a growl, "Yeah, I get it, I fucked up and you're not going to let me forget that. At least let me sleep so I don't crash like last time and end up doing something we'll all regret."

Shadow grumbled, "Fine."

Static groaned, "Only so it doesn't happen again." The voices were quiet now and Specter sighed, that's how most conversations with them went. Sometimes he'd be able to get them to leave him alone but there were very few things that could get them to stop.

Specter decided to not push his luck and he closed his eyes to sleep, he was out within ten minutes. He should have known he'd have a nightmare, he woke up three times from a nightmare and he hated it. For once he'd like to have a decent sleep, that's all he wanted but the world loved to fuck with his life.

After waking up the third time Specter decided that he might as well stay up and he just knew he looked horrible. Waiting for the heroes to get to the mountain was boring, it took forever, even the voices were bored as hell. Robin was the last person to get to the mountain and Specter couldn't say he was surprised by who was with him.

Batman stood in the room and the team went to greet him looking very confused seeing as they were still waiting for Specter to get used to the mountain more. Batman looked around, mentally sighed, and spoke, "Specter."

Specter thought about just letting himself fall from the air vents but he decided that he wasn't that tired. He appeared in the room, "What the fuck do you want now?"

Batman raised an eyebrow, "Is something wrong?"

Specter looked his straight in the eye and based on the shocked and slightly worried looks from the heroes he knew he really did look horrible. "I'm just really fucking tired, I don't want to deal with too much bullshit so let's not waste any time." Specter gave them a smile that said 'don't fucking mess with me or I'll kill you' and Batman got straight to the point.

"I've informed the League that you were at the mountain."

"I know, now tell me why you're really here before I decide to leave."

The team looked shocked, they hadn't thought anyone would ever talk to Batman like that but Specter didn't seem to give a damn. Batman mentally sighed, "They want to speak with you and figure out what exactly what to do with you."

Specter shrugged, "I honestly can't say I'm surprised, let's just get this over with before I pass out or something." Specter walked toward the zeta tubes and the other heroes followed, most of them giving him worried looks or glancing at the others. Specter looked at the zeta tubes, "This is eerily familiar."

Before anyone could comment on what he said the zeta tubes activated and soon all of the heroes were in the watchtower. Specter mentally sighed as the voices started talking, he just wanted to get this over with.

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