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It was the day after Specter had officially met the Justice League and joined the team after arguing with his voices. Now they had to deal with a new challenge, training, no one was sure what would happen since they didn't know what Specter would do. Black Canary showed up at the mountain and when the young heroes walked in she looked slightly confused, "Where's Specter?"

"Right here." A few people jumped and Specter smirked as he walked farther into the room.

Black Canary gave him an irritated look, "Your late."

Specter had a strange look on his face, "Like I give a shit!"

Static shook his head, "She's going to hate you."

Specter looked to his right, "Who doesn't at this point?"

Shadow glared at him, "Not even a mother could love someone like you."

Specter turned to his left and gasped dramatically while putting a hand on his chest. "Bitch I am shooketh, that's accurate though."

The heroes looked confused but Black Canary decided to not waste anymore time, Specter walked over and she mentally sighed. "Okay Specter, since you're new to the team I'll need to see what you can do so you'll be sparing with me."

Specter shrugged, "Fine, let's get this over with." The two walked to the fighting area and Specter looked bored, he didn't seem to care about the fact that he was going to fight Black Canary. Specter didn't even get into a fighting stance and when Black Canary attacked he didn't move.

The hero thought that she'd be able to beat Specter easily but when she went to punch him he smirked. He suddenly moved like lightning and caught her fist in one hand, Black Canary's eyes widened and Specter laughed. "Wow, I thought you'd be tough but I've met old women that could punch harder then you."

Black Canary glared at him and Specter could tell that she was getting angry, he kicked her in the stomach and she flew back a bit before she caught herself. Specter had the same smirk on his face like he knew something no one else did, and the look in his eyes dared Black Canary to attack. The hero attacked again and Specter jumped and did a flip in the air, he landed behind her and Black Canary was surprised.

Specter laughed again, "I thought this was supposed to be a fight but so far this is easy." Black Canary got even angrier and she attacked Specter again, his smirk didn't falter as he dodged every single one of her attacks. Specter then hummed, "Yeah I guess I should."

Robin knew that he was talking to his voices but he was confused, what were they telling Specter to do? His question was answered when Specter grabbed Black Canary's wrist and flipped her over his shoulder. No one had been expecting the move and Black Canary hit the ground on her back and Specter looked to his right, "Yeah I get it."

Static crossed his arms, "You should have done that earlier."

Specter pretended to pout, "Where's the fun in that?!"

Shadow face palmed, "How can you be this stupid, she's going to give you hell now!"

Specter groaned, "You're both annoying, it's not like that hasn't happened before, it was just worse." The two glared at him before they started yelling and Specter winced slightly and he rolled his eyes as Black Canary got up.

She put her hands on her hips, "You've definitely got some skill."

Specter gave her a strange look, "Sorry I can't hear you very well, the voices are yelling at me." Specter looked to his right, "Would you guys shut up so I can hear?" They quieted down just enough so Specter could hear, "What did you say?"

Black Canary didn't seem fazed, "I said you have some skill, you made me angry on purpose so I'd mess up."

Specter smirked, "Well at least you knew what I was doing."

Shadow scowled, "Of course she figured it out, she's not as dumb as you!"

Specter winced and put a hand on his left ear, "Ow, you really need to stop doing that." The voices got even louder and Specter rolled his eyes, he looked at Black Canary, "I can't hear anything so I'm just going to go and wait for the voices to stop yelling." Specter left and Black Canary mentally sighed before she turned to the other heroes and continued to have them train.

Specter hid in the air vents and tried to block out the voices but it wasn't working, they were just getting louder. After a while he'd had enough and he formed a jagged piece of ice and stabbed his arm with it and the voices shut up. He sighed and he snuck into the medical bay and took care of the wound before going back to the air vents.

Specter mentally sighed before he decided to go to the library, his voices liked reading as much as he did and they were quiet during those times. About an hour later the team was done with training and Robin decided to see if Specter was doing better. He had learned from last time so he went to the library first and he saw Specter sitting in the same chair reading.

Specter seemed completely focused on his book and Robin wondered if he should interrupt him. Just as he was about to leave Specter spoke, "You know I won't care if you talk to me while I'm reading right?"

Robin looked at Specter and laughed nervously, "You just seemed really focused on your book, I didn't want to startle you like last time?"

Specter closed the book and shrugged, "If I'm awake then I'm aware of everything around me, even if I'm focused on something."

Robin hesitated before he sat down in a chair that was close to Specter, "What are you reading?"

"To Kill A Mockingbird, I've heard about it for a long time so I figured I should read it."

Robin hummed, "What kind of books do you like to read?"

Specter thought for a second, "I just read whatever I can." Robin was about to ask another question when Specter walked past him and put away a few books. Specter paused for a split second before he rolled his eyes and continued putting the books away.

Robin gave him a confused look, "Did one of the voices say something?"

Specter nodded, "Yeah, Shadow was complaining because if I'm tired they're tired so he wants me to sleep before I pass out or something."

Robin thought for a second, "Where is you're room anyway?"

Specter looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "I don't have a room."

Robin's eyes widened, "Then where have you been sleeping?!"

Specter mentally sighed, "The air vents, it was harder for people to find me that way."

Robin stared at Specter in disbelief before he grabbed Specter's wrist and dragged him out of the library. Specter resisted just enough to slow him down, he wasn't so far gone that he'd risk hurting someone without a second thought. Specter then started yelling, "Where are you taking me?"

Specter gasped and faked a shocked look, "Are you taking me to an asylum, a therapist, a mall with a bunch of annoying people?! No, anything but a mall, you can kill me for all I care but don't take me to a mall!"

Specter's shouting attracted the attention of the other heroes and they all looked very confused. Robin was going to question it but he decided that dragging Specter to where he wanted to take the ghost was more important at the moment. Robin managed to drag Specter out before he could say anything else that was random and weird.

That is, until Specter shouted one last thing just before they were out of sight, "Burn my stuff, that shit will end worlds! Worlds!!" As soon as the other heroes couldn't see them Specter stopped resisting and he walked with Robin. The hero still didn't let go though, Specter gave Robin a slightly curious look, "So, where are we going exactly?"

Robin stared at Specter in shock before he laughed, he didn't see it but Specter smiled a little. "Why didn't you just ask instead of causing a huge scene in front of the team?"

Specter shrugged, "I don't know, so where are we going?"

Robin's smile grew as he shook his head, "See for yourself, we're here."

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