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The white haired teen was sitting in an interrogation room and he was getting bored. Batman had put him in there several minutes ago and he had a feeling that he was getting a Leaguer or two. He knew Batman talked to the team for a few minutes before he went to god knows where to do who knows what.

He looked at the one way window where the young heroes were and he looked beyond done, "I know you're there, staring is rude you know." He knew some of them were shocked but a few of them didn't think he could actually see them, then Batman came back. "Finally, took you long enough Batman, I know who the chick with blond hair is but there was no point in bringing her here."

Batman gave him a curious look before he told Black Canary to stay with the team and he went into the room. Batman closed the door and sat across from him before he spoke, "What's your name?"

The teen rolled his eyes, "I already told you, I don't have a name."

"You said they called you things, what were they?"

The teen ticked them off on his fingers, "Well there was it, thing, experiment, project, and a bunch of other ones that I don't care to repeat."

Batman looked confused, "Why did they call you experiment?"

"You didn't know? They were working on a secret project, they called it project ghost, they experimented on a subject to try and weaponize it."

"What did they experiment on?"

The teen suddenly started laughing and it sounded more unhinged then the first time the heroes heard it. "Not what, who, if you haven't gotten it by now then you must be pretty dense Batman." Batman thought for a second before his eyes widened and the teen smirked, "There it is!"

Batman started connecting a few dots in his head, "Why was it called project ghost?"

The teens smirk widened, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

The teen giggled a little before he spoke, "It's because that's what I am, they killed me after they drove me off the deep end."

Batman didn't look amused, "Ghosts don't exist."

The teen shrugged, "Believe what you want but I don't have a heartbeat so unless you can explain that I'd say you'll have to accept reality."

Batman thought about it but he couldn't come up with an explanation, he decided to change the subject. "You said they drove you off the deep end?"

The teen laughed again before he threw the handcuffs on the table, "Yup, I'm completely insane." The teen suddenly looked annoyed, "Would you shut the fuck up already?!"

Batman was a bit surprised by the teens sudden outburst, "I didn't say anything."

"Not talking to you broody bat." The teen groaned, "What does that have to do with anything, it's completely irrelevant." He rolled his eyes, "Oh don't you start too, does it really matter at this point?" He suddenly hit his head on the table, "Just shut up, you're giving me a headache, I will keep hitting my head until you two shut up."

The teen suddenly sat up and looked at Batman, "Sorry about that, you were saying?"

Batman raised an eyebrow, "Do you hear voices in your head?"

"Yup, I thought I got rid of them but apparently not, they're really fucking annoying and I hate them."

Batman decided not to talk about the voices the teen heard, "What did they do to you, why was project ghost started?"

The teen smirked, "I'm not just going to tell you, where's the fun in that?! I'll tell you what, if you can either find something out about the project or tell me something I want to know I'll tell you more about project ghost, like a game."

Batman glared at him, "Why should I agree to this 'game'?"

The teen laughed a little, "Well if you agree I'll have a reason to stick around instead of just leaving. I haven't done anything wrong and you couldn't stop me from leaving if you tried. Plus, I'm one of the few people that knows everything there is to know about project ghost, you don't have anyone else to turn to for information."

Batman stared at the teen for a moment, he didn't have anything to lose by agreeing to his terms. Batman mentally sighed, "Fine."

The teen threw his hands into the air, "Yay! Oh, just so you know, I already know all of your secret identities so that won't get me to tell you anything."

Batman's eyes widened a little before he glared at the teen again, "You're lying."

The teen laughed again before he did a flip and landed on the back of his chair and used his thumb to balance on one side. "The blonde woman's name is Dinah Lance, Miss Marian's name is Megan Morse, Kid Flash's is Wally West, Artemis's is Artemis Crock, not a good idea to use your real name for your hero name by the way."

"Aqualad's is Kaldur'ahm, Superboy's is Connor Kent, and I'm sure you don't want me to say what Robin's real name is, or yours for that matter."

Batman mentally sighed, "How do you know all of this?"

He did a flip off of the chair and he smirked, "I know a lot of things, I had time after I was locked away so learning things is how I passed the time."

Batman stared at the teen for a minute before he spoke again, "Is there a name you'd like to go by, something we can call you?"

The teen gave him a confused look, his smirk was gone and he frowned a little, "Why do I need a name, aren't you just going to call me what they did?"

Batman shook his head, "No."

The teen tilted his head to the side like he was hearing something that didn't make sense, "Huh, weird." The teen shrugged, "Oh well, as for a name, let's see." The teen thought for a second before he spoke again, "Phantom? No. Omen? No. Spirit? No. Eidolon? No, that sounds stupid. Revenant? Not my style. Oh! How about Specter?!"

The teen paused for a moment, "The voices are in agreement, Specter it is!

Batman raised an eyebrow, "Why Specter?"

The teen remembered something at that moment, he was about seven at the time and he was bothering a scientist. The scientist glared at him before shouting, "Just go back to your cell, you're nothing but a horrible specter lurking around the living world, go away so I can work!" He hadn't cared about what they said back then, he didn't even care now, the name just reminded him of that time.

The teen shrugged, "No reason, I just like the sound of it."

Batman gave the teen a strange look but decided to not question the teen about it more. "Alright then, your name will be Specter from now on." Batman walked out of the room and the newly named teen seemed to be thinking about something before he followed.

Batman looked at the team once he was outside the room, "Specter will be living at the mountain until something can be worked out for him."

Specter gave Batman a strange look, "Wait, so you're not just going to lock me up?"

Batman looked at the teen, "No one is going to lock you up."

Specter gave Batman a strange look, "You're all weird." Before anyone could say anything else the teen turned around and walked away without another word.


Hooray! Chapter 2! I hope you all like it!

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