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Specter was pissed, the heroes tried talking to him but he wasn't listening, he jumped from the rooftop onto the street. The agent immediately turned to him and pointed a blaster at him, the heroes panicked before jumping down behind him. Static shouted, "Tear him apart!"

Shadow shouted, "Rip him to shreds!"

The agent pressed the comm in his ear, "I found him, lock onto my location."

Specter cracked his knuckles as a few more agents showed up, the heroes were sure that more would show up soon. Specter growled, "With pleasure."

Specter ran at the agents as they shot at him, he easily dodged the shots and kicked one in the face. Agents drove up in cars and some just ran in since they weren't too far away to begin with. Specter seemed to be on a rampage he was fighting one agent after another without stopping or slowing down.

The heroes were absolutely shocked, he wasn't even using his powers and yet he was fighting an army of agents like it was nothing. Specter took a blaster from one of the agents and crushed it with one hand before punching the agent in the face. He dodged a few shots before grabbing an agent and throwing them at several others which knocked them down.

One tried to hit him using a grenade launcher but Specter created a shield around himself and the blast hit the shield harmlessly. Specter sent a wave of ice spikes at the black jeep the agents were in, the agents ran out of the car and the jeep was impaled on the spikes. More agents shot at him and one managed to shoot him where his stab wound was, he growled at them.

Specter shot at them with ecto-blasts as he sealed the wound with a layer of ice, it would help stop the bleeding for now. Specter jumped back into the fray and after several minutes most of the agents had retreated to escape Specter's anger. Specter would have continued to fight but a slow clap stopped him in his tracks, he growled in irritation.

A man wearing nothing but white was the one clapping, the other agents had black shoes and a tie at the very least but this guy only wore white. The man was smirking which only seemed to piss off Specter even more, the man stop clapping and clasped his hands behind his back. "I see that you're still as strong as ever, perhaps even more so in your angered state."

Specter growled, "Go fuck yourself you bastard."

The man shook his head, "And you haven't lost your snarky mouth either."

"And your still a manipulative bastard."

Shadow growled, "I want to tear that guy limb from limb."

Static cracked his knuckles, "Get in line."

The man then looked behind Specter and saw the heroes, he smirked again, "Well that's quite ironic isn't it?"

Specter glared at the man, "Shut up."

"The entire reason we made you into a ghost and now you're with them." Specter knew the man was messing with him, he made it sound like Specter was just killed to become a weapon. They both knew he was talking about the fact that Specter was supposed to be a weapon against the Justice League.

Specter growled, he was about to attack the man when Superboy, Aqualad, and Kid Flash grabbed onto him. Specter still struggled and the heroes were having trouble holding him back which prompted Batman, Black Canary, Artemis, and Miss Martian to help hold him back. Shadow shouted, "Let him go you idiots!"

Static shouted, "He has to pay!"

Another black jeep pulled up and the man smirked, "I would stick around but I'm a busy man, the GIW looks forward to capturing you again."

Specter kept struggling as the man got into the jeep and drove away, Specter yelled, "God damn it!"

Specter stopped struggling after the jeep was gone and he was trying to catch his breath, he still looked beyond pissed. Specter threw the heroes off of him with just enough force to make them let go but not enough to actually hurt them. Robin looked more then just a little worried about Specter, he was sure that Specter's voices were pissed too.

Batman got up and looked at the other heroes, "We still have a job to do." Batman looked at Robin, "Watch him, don't let him out of your sight."

Robin nodded absentmindedly before the other heroes ran off to find whoever was controlling the city. Specter stood in the street shaking with anger and Robin slowly walked up to him, he didn't want to upset Specter. Robin walked in front of Specter and touched Specter's hand, the ghost stopped shaking and he uncurled his hand.

Robin held Specter's hand and gave him a concerned look, "Are you okay?"

Specter sighed, "I would say yes but I'm sure you'd call me out on my bullshit."

Robin hesitated for a second before he spoke again, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Specter thought for a second before he teleported and the two ended up on the ledge at the mountain. Robin lead Specter over to where they usually sat and they stared at the sea below them for a bit before Specter spoke. "He was the director."

Robin looked a bit confused, "For project ghost?"

Specter nodded, "He approved of everything they did, I fucking hate that guy."

"I noticed, so you tried to attack him because of what he did to you?"

"Pretty much, he basically made my life hell so I wanted to beat him within an inch of his life."

Robin frowned before he hugged Specter, Specter hugged him back and neither of them said anything. After a few minutes there was a beep and the two hesitated before they stopped hugging and Robin checked his holo-glove. Batman face popped up, "Robin, where are you and Specter?"

"I figured getting Specter away from the city was a good idea so he wouldn't go after those people from before. We're at the mountain right now but if you need us we'll head to your location."

"You don't need to, whoever took over the city is gone."

Robin looked a bit confused, "Gone, what do you mean gone?"

Shadow growled, "How much do you want to bet that it was those bastards?"

Static looked like he wanted to punch something, "I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind it."

Batman spoke again, "Whoever took the city hostage must have left while Specter was fighting those people."

Robin had to force himself not to look at Specter, he knew that the ghost must be angry hearing about the people he fought. Robin mentally sighed, "Do you know where they might have gone?"

"No, we've been looking but we can't find anything."

Robin nodded, "Tell me if you find anything, I'll keep watching Specter."

Batman nodded and Robin ended the call, he sighed before he looked at Specter, "Are you okay?"

Specter nodded, "I was talking to Shadow and Static, they're pretty pissed too."

Robin held Specter's hand again, "Don't do anything stupid."

Specter smiled a little, "I won't, I've got a reason not to this time." Robin smiled, he was glad he started dating Specter.


I'm changing my update schedule! It'll probably be temporary but you guys will get a chapter every other day instead of every two days for a while!

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