And Then There Were Four

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Robin slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he noticed was that he was lying on a cold floor. He sat up and saw that the others were waking up as well, a few of them groaned because their heads felt weird. Robin stood up and looked around, they were in a white hallway that looked like it was made of marble.

There were streaks of black running through the marble and the floor was more black instead of white. The thing that stood out the most to Robin were the horrible cracks in the floor and walls, even the ceiling looked heavily damaged. The others got up and Kid Flash spoke, "Woah, what is this place?"

Megan looked around sadly, "Specter's mind."

Artemis looked impressed, "This isn't what I was expecting."

Black Canary looked at the cracks throughout the hallway, "We need to find Specter."

Superboy crossed his arms, "How, we don't even know where to start."

"What. The. Fuck."

The heroes turned to the strange voice and two people that looked a bit like Specter were standing there. One was completely black but there were faint outlines so they could make out the details of his face and clothes. He was the one that spoke, he looked slightly shocked as well as irritated.

The other looked like a monotone colored version of Specter; his skin was a light gray, the black parts of his clothing looked more like a dark gray, and the white parts were a very light gray. His hair was still white but his eyes were completely black, there were black tear track like lines on his face. There were three lines under each eye, they looked like they were a permanent part of his skin.

The monotone Specter spoke, "How the hell did you get here?"

Robin heard the distinct sound of background static when he spoke and he figured out who they were. "Wait a minute, you're Shadow and Static."

The completely black version of Specter, Shadow, crossed his arms, "Yeah, no shit."

Batman looked at them, "How is that possible?"

Static rolled his eyes, "If he can hear us and see us when he's hallucinating it's pretty safe to assume that we're part of his mind."

Aqualad spoke, "Then do you know where Specter is?"

Shadow growled a little, "That idiot's hiding, even if we wanted to find him we couldn't."

Robin was about to say something but everything started shaking and a few of the heroes fell. Black Canary spoke, "What was that?"

Static rubbed his eyes, "This place is unstable, that was his mind breaking apart more then it already has."

Megan looked worried, "We need to find Specter."

Shadow shook his head, "You can't, this place constantly shifts and changes so it's nearly impossible to find anything in here. If you just wander around here you'll just get lost, if you want to find that moron you need to know where you're going."

Batman spoke, "And how do we do that?"

Static looked at Shadow, "As much as I hate to admit it we need to find him anyway."

Shadow glared at him, "No, never, I'm not helping him."

Static glared at him, "I hate it as much as you do but if his mind goes then so do we."

Shadow looked away from Static and growled, "I hate it when your right."

Static shook his head before he looked at the heroes, "We have to find someone else first."

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