Sleep Deprived

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Specter forced himself not to yawn, he had already stifled five or six and he really wanted to take a nap. He could still hear the voices talking in the background but it was easy to tune them out for now, they were being quiet. After being told to wait outside the room they waited for several long minutes before they could finally go inside.

During the time that they had to wait outside Specter's current state worsened and he inwardly groaned. Specter and the team finally walked into the room and Specter immediately spoke, "Okay, let's make this quick because I honestly don't want to be here."

The Leaguers either looked shocked or confused and Green Arrow looked at Batman, "This is Specter?"

Specter answered before Batman could, "Gee, what makes you say that Robin Hood?"

Green Arrow glared at him, "That's not my name, it's-."

Specter cut him off, "Green Arrow AKA Oliver Queen, I know who you are."

The heroes stared at him before Batman spoke, "We need to ask you a few questions."

Specter rolled his eyes, "No shit Sherlock, I already knew that, you really need to stop telling me things I already know."

Superman decided to try and talk to the sleep deprived teen, "Batman said the team rescued you, who did they rescue you from?"

Specter looked bored, "They didn't rescue me, I was already running from them when they suddenly showed up. As for who I ran away from, well, I'm not telling."

Flash looked confused, "Why?"

Specter smirked, "Not part of the game."

Wonder Woman gave him a curious look, "What game?"

Specter looked at Batman, "You didn't tell them?" Batman was about to answer but Specter cut him off, "It's quite simple really. Just telling you everything would be boring so Batman agreed to a game, if he can tell me something I want to know or find something out about the project I'll tell him more about it."

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) gave Specter a shocked look, "Are you crazy?"

Specter suddenly started laughing, it sounded just like his usual unhinged laugh and a few of the Leaguers looked unsettled. Specter calmed down before he spoke, "I'm completely insane!" Specter looked to his left and glared at something, "Stop that."

Shadow smirked, "Maybe I don't want to."

"I don't care, knock it off."

Batman raised an eyebrow at the teen, "Is something wrong?"

Specter waved off his concern, "Nah, I'm just hallucinating so they're bugging me."

Martian Manhunter looked confused, "How can you see something that isn't even there?"

Specter groaned, "It takes way too much time to explain it in a way that people understand."

Doctor Fate, who had been watching Specter carefully, spoke, "I thought ghosts couldn't go insane."

Most of the Leaguers gave Fate strange looks but Specter laughed a little, "That's true. But if someone goes insane before they die that rule is null and void, that's why I've got more then just a few screws loose. So how'd you know I'm a ghost, based on everyone else's reactions Batman didn't tell them I'm dead."

Fate looked right at Specter, "Ghosts have a very unique presence, I know very little about ghosts but it wasn't hard to figure it out."

Specter shrugged, "I guess that's one way of figuring it out."

Static crossed his arms, "At least he didn't use magic on us or something."

Specter rolled his eyes, "Oh ha ha very funny."

Shadow glared at Specter, "Would you shut up you idiot."

Specter glared at Shadow, "How about you take your own advice and leave me alone." Shadow chose that time to start yelling and Static started yelling which lead to Specter face palming. "You know what, let's just save everyone some time and leave, we already know how this whole thing is going to end anyway."

The two suddenly paused and they agreed, Specter started heading to the door but Batman spoke, "Where are you going?"

Specter rolled his eyes again and looked at the hero, "I'm leaving, I'm saving all of you the trouble of getting rid of me."

Everyone either gave him shocked or confused looks and Batman gave his a strange look, "We're not getting rid of you."

Specter paused and Static looked like he had just heard the strangest thing ever, "Are you fucking serious?"

Shadow shouted, "What?!"

Specter winced, "That was my ear, I have to agree with you though. What?!"

"We don't want you to leave, you're going to join the team."

Specter stared at Batman for a second before he suddenly started laughing and holding his sides. "That's funny, who knew you could actually tell a joke, that's got to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Batman didn't say anything and Specter suddenly stopped laughing, "You're serious, you actually want me to join the team?"

Batman nodded, "Based on what the team said you can fight, you're also intelligent enough to figure out all of our secret identities."

"So?! I'm literally dead, I'm insane, I hear voices in my head, and I hallucinate. What part of that makes you think it's a good idea for me to be around people, you seriously want me to be around your prodigies?"

Static spoke, "Don't you mean sidekicks?"

Specter growled a little, "No, I don't mean sidekicks you bastard."

Batman mentally sighed, "Since you have to stay so I can play your 'game' having you join the team will make it easier to keep an eye on you."

Shadow suddenly started laughing hysterically, "That's why?! He might be even more of an idiot then you if that's his logic for having you join the team."

Shadow poked Specter's face and the teen growled a little before swatting his hand away, "Knock it the fuck off Shadow!"

Static's eyes widened, "Do you know what you just did, you just said his name around the heroes!"

Specter had to stop himself from punching something, "You know what Static, at this point, I don't give a shit!"

Everyone gave Specter shocked and confused looks, Robin just looked shocked since he knew Shadow's and Static's names. Batman waited to see if Specter was still talking to the voices before he spoke, "Your voices have names?"

Specter rolled his eyes, "Only the two that are easier to hear, having to name all of the voices in that jumbled mess would be a pain in the ass."

Shadow face palmed, "You know what, let's just agree to join this god damn team so we can leave before you act like an idiot again."

Specter threw his hands in the air, "Fine!" He looked at Batman, "I'll agree to this simply because I can't bring myself to care." Specter turned and quickly left the room, "Later bitches!" Specter was gone before anyone could try to follow him.

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