Fighting Batman

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Specter looked at the door curiously, Robin opened it and dragged him inside the room before he could try to run. When Robin let go Specter crossed his arms with a slightly annoyed look on his face, "Really?"

Robin smirked, "This is your room now, you can't keep sleeping in the air vents so you're sleeping here from now on."

Specter sighed before he shrugged, "Fuck it, why not, as long as I have somewhere to sleep I don't care."

Specter collapsed on the bed and Robin smiled as he shook his head, "I'll leave you alone so you can sleep." Specter said something in response but it was muffled since he was lying face down on the bed for some reason. Robin's smile widened and he left the room, once he was gone Specter got up and locked the door.

Specter also turned off the lights before he laid down on the bed again and eventually fell asleep. Due to his nightmares, loud voices, and how exhausted he was he didn't come back out of his new room until the next day. His voices were quiet for once and he thought that he might actually have a good day for once, how wrong he was.

They got an unexpected visit from Batman and Black Canary not even twenty minutes after he woke up. His voices had started talking when he heard the zeta tubes announce the two heroes arrival. It was a bit annoying but Specter managed to block it out as he walked into the room, he was late again but he didn't care.

Batman looked at him, "You're late."

Specter groaned, "You heroes are so damn strict about punctuality, who gives a shit?!"

Batman ignored the comment, "Black Canary said you beat her during training."

Specter looked very annoyed, "Yeah, so?"

Shadow glared at Specter, "I told you they'd be pissed!"

Specter glared at him, "You shut the hell up."

Batman mentally sighed, "She also said you held back which is why you're going to spar with me."

Specter and his voices were shocked into silence before Static spoke, "What the fuck?"

Specter looked at Batman like he was crazy, "I think I might be having more auditory hallucinations again. For a second there I thought you said you wanted to fight but there's no way that's what you actually said."

Batman raised an eyebrow, "That's exactly what I said."

Specter and his voices were quiet once again when Shadow spoke, "I say we fight him."

Specter gave Shadow a shocked look, "Wait, seriously?"

Static crossed his arms, "I'm in."

Specter turned to him with the same look before he shrugged, "Okay, I guess we're doing this then."

Specter saw that all of the young heroes looked shocked and Specter shrugged. "When Shadow and Static actually agree on doing something it's a miracle that I don't question."

The two glared at him but he ignored it and Batman motioned for him to walk into the training area. Specter did and he looked just as carefree as he usually did, Shadow and Static talked and Specter listened. Black Canary was going to say when the fight started and the two waited for the signal, Batman got in a fighting stance.

Specter just put his hands in his pockets with a bored expression on his face, Black Canary told them to fight and Batman attacked. Specter's whole demeanor seemed to suddenly switch and he looked more serious then anyone had ever seen him. Specter blocked Batman punch and kicked him in the chest, Batman stumbled a little before he attacked again.

Specter ducked and rolled so he was behind Batman and his voices spoke the whole time but it wasn't their usual annoying commentary. Shadow spoke, "He's stronger then we thought but not as quick as you, you can use that to take him down."

Static cut in, "You might be able to knock him down or at least off balance if you go for his legs."

Specter blocked another punch and aimed a kick at his head, they were still observing his moves. Shadow looked at Batman movements closely, "He's got a few openings, you can get him if you time it right."

Static spoke, "Dodge his attacks a little bit longer then get behind him and go for his legs."

Specter's eyes narrowed and he dodged a kick, two more punches, and an attempt to trip him. Specter dodged another punch and grabbed Batman's forearm and used it to flip over him. He landed in a crouched position and he immediately went into a slide and kicked Batman legs out from under him.

Batman hit the ground when Specter stopped sliding on the ground and just like that the fight was over. The heroes were shocked but Specter's voices looked incredibly smug and Specter stood up before he rolled his eyes. Batman got up just before he spoke, "You two look way to smug about this."

Shadow shrugged, "Well we did just help you beat Batman."

Specter just rolled his eyes again and Black Canary spoke, "How did you do that?"

Specter smiled innocently, "Why whatever do you mean?"

"You just beat Batman, when you fought me you didn't take the fight seriously but with Batman it was different."

Specter waved it off, "Oh that's because of the voices."

Black Canary looked confused, "What do your voices have to do with this?"

Specter smirked, "Well when they're not yelling at me they help me out whenever it benefits them."

Batman eyes narrowed, "What do you mean 'when it benefits them?'"

Specter shrugged, "They wanted to fight you so they weren't yelling at me like they did when I fought Black Canary. They wanted to satisfy their own curiosity so they helped me analyze everything during the fight which made it easier to win."

The heroes stared at him in stunned silence and Static leaned closer to him and whispered, "I think you broke them."

Shadow laughed, "That's an understatement."

Specter nodded, "I'm going to have to agree with you on that one."

Batman shook his head a little, "The way your mind seems to work is incredibly strange."

Shadow and Static suddenly started laughing like mad men, which they kind of were, and Specter joined in a second later. Shadow and Static collapsed on the floor and Specter almost did but he calmed down before that happened. Specter shook his head, "You have no idea."

Shadow was still laughing, "My lungs hurt."

Specter looked at him, "You can't feel pain, nor can you breath."

Shadow flipped him off and Specter rolled his eyes before he looked at Batman, "Is there anything else?"

Batman mentally sighed before he shook his head, "Not at the moment."

Specter smiled, "Good, I'm going to go and wait for these two to stop laughing."

Shadow calmed down a little, "At least we're not as annoying as you dumb ass!"

Specter glared at him, "I'd beg to differ you pauperes enim excusat a ficta." (poor excuse for a delusion.)

Specter left before anyone could ask him what language he had just spoken in but Robin and Batman already knew the answer. They found it a bit hard to believe that he seemed to speak it so well but there was no denying it, he just spoke Latin.

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