Forget it

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It had been two days since Specter stabbed himself in the stomach, he hadn't woken up since then. Robin refused to leave Specter's side no matter what anyone said and after hours of talking to him they left him alone. When the team heard about what happened they were shocked and a bit worried, no one expected Specter to stab himself.

Robin was currently sitting in the medical bay at the mountain, Specter was asleep in the bed next to him. Robin slowly reached over and gently moved a piece of hair out of Specter's face, he couldn't stop thinking about what Specter said. He was shocked but it made him happy, he hadn't realized it either but he started falling for Specter.

He knew Specter had issues but he was still a good person, there were times when he even seemed sane. Robin just wanted Specter to wake up and act like his usual weird and unpredictable self, he wanted him to be okay. He knew that Specter probably wasn't going to be okay after literally trying to kill himself but he was okay with that.

Robin didn't even realize that he started to fall asleep, he had been awake for two days keeping an eye on Specter. About an hour after Robin fell asleep Specter woke up, he opened his eyes a little and hissed at the bright lights. He tried to sit up but the unexpected pain forced him to lay back down, Specter was already getting irritated.

Robin woke up after Specter failed to sit up and his eyes widened when he saw that Specter was awake. Robin hesitated before he spoke, "Specter?"

Specter immediately looked at Robin "What the-?!" He sat up as he spoke and he doubled over in pain, "Okay, bad idea, ow."

Robin panicked a little, "Are you okay?"

Specter nodded, "Yeah, I've had worse."

Robin quietly sighed in relief before he looked at Specter seriously, "You're an idiot."

Specter looked shocked, he hadn't been expecting that, "Huh?"

Robin was pissed, "You tried to kill yourself, did you think none of us would be affected by that? You told me you liked me and then you almost died, I was terrified that you were going to die."

Specter looked away, "Just forget it."

Robin was a little confused, "Forget what?"

"When I said I liked you, just forget it."

Robin paused for a second, "Why?"

Specter refused to look at him, "Because I know you don't like me so what's the point of remembering what I said, just forget it."

Robin got annoyed, he made Specter turn toward him and kissed the ghost without even thinking. Specter was shock but after a second he kissed Robin back, if this was a dream he didn't want to wake up. He wondered if he actually died and went to heaven, not where he thought he was going but he wasn't gonna to complain.

After a few seconds Robin pulled away and looked at Specter, "I'm not going to forget what you said because I like you too."

Specter blushed a little and looked away, "There's literally no reason for you to like me."

Robin gave Specter an annoyed look, "Just shut up and accept the fact that I like you."

Specter sighed and put his hands up in surrender, "I don't know why you do but I won't question you."

Robin smiled and leaned back in his seat just before the other heroes came into the room. Specter looked exasperated, "And the cavalry arrives!"

Black Canary looked a bit surprised, "Your awake?"

Specter rolled his eyes, "No, I was turned into a zombie, of course I'm awake!"

Shadow suddenly spoke, "Quit being a goddamn idiot!"

Specter winced, "Really, you're already yelling at me?"

Static facepalmed, "You're so stupid, and am I the only one that's surprised by the fact that Robin actually likes you back?"

Specter hummed, "Nope, I'm still waiting to see if this is a dream or not."

Shadow rolled his eyes, "It's not, that's what makes this even more shocking."

Megan looked confused, "Why would you think this is a dream?"

"Because shit happens."

The heroes were silent for a second before Batman spoke, "Why did you stab yourself?"

"It's a long story but here's the watered down version, if I hurt myself then the voices shut up. Before I stabbed myself I was arguing with my voices and they were being really fucking loud so I stabbed myself."

Black Canary's eyes widened, "You hurt yourself?"

"Almost daily."

The heroes all looked shocked and concerned and Static crossed his arms, "Are they going to keep staring?"

Shadow didn't look happy, "Yeah, it's starting to annoy me."

Specter mentally sighed, "Gotta agree with you on that one, it's getting old."

Aqualad finally spoke, "How many times have you hurt yourself since we met you?"

Specter thought for a second, "Ten to fifteen times, I don't really keep track." Now the heroes looked horrified, Specter rolled his eyes, "You know what, I'm getting up."

Specter threw the blankets off of himself and he stood up, the heroes expected him to fall but he seemed completely fine. Black Canary spoke, "You shouldn't be up yet, you're wound isn't healed."

Specter gave her a slightly irritated look, "Well news flash, I've been through worse and I don't give a shit."

The heroes blocked the door and Batman spoke, "You're staying here until you've healed."

Specter rolled his eyes, "You can't stop me."

Artemis crossed her arms, "And what makes you say that?"

Specter smirked, "This." Specter went intangible and phased through the floor, the heroes stared in shock at where he was and Specter turned tangible once he was behind them. "You can't stop me, you're just starting to find out about what I can do and I've got plenty of tricks you haven't seen."

Shadow groaned, "They get it, now stop wasting time and just leave already."

Specter gave Shadow an annoyed look but he still walked away from the heroes, he didn't want to get a headache right after waking up. Robin looked at him sadly as he left, he needed to talk to Specter as soon as possible.

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