To Be Heard

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The next day Specter had calmed down and he didn't feel like doing anything, unfortunately the heroes had other plans. They decided to use the intercoms instead of sending someone to find him, when he heard the damn things turn on he wasn't happy. They clicked on and Black Canary's voice came through, "Specter, get to the training area."

Specter growled, "God fucking damn it."

Specter reluctantly got out of bed and went to the training area, when he walked into the room Black Canary didn't look very happy. Specter glared at her, "I don't like you."

Black Canary mentally sighed, "You're late, again."

"I'm literally dead, you're lucky I even got out of bed this morning."

Shadow crossed his arms, "Maybe you should just call her bitch Canary from now on."

Specter smirked, "You're insulting someone other then me?"

Static shrugged, "At this point she deserves it, hell she deserves it more then you."

Specter looked shocked, "Holy shit, I never thought I'd hear either of you say that."

Black Canary raised an eyebrow, "Are you talking to your voices again?"

Specter smiled, "Yup, they don't seem to like you very much."

Shadow looked at Specter, "Understatement of the fucking century moron!"

"Ah, there's the Shadow I know."

Black Canary sighed, "Can you stop talking to your voices so we can train?"

Specter and his voices groaned but they were saved by Batman when the bat themed heroes name was announced by the zeta tube. Batman walked into the mountain and Specter threw his hands in the air, "I'm saved!"

Batman looked at the young heroes, "You have a mission."

Specter's hands fell, "Fuck!"

Static rolled his eyes, "You shouldn't have celebrated so soon."

Specter mentally sighed before he looked at Batman, "Do I have to be here for this?"

Batman looked at him, "You're going with them."

Shadow laughed and Static smirked, Specter glared at both of them before accepting his fate and walking over to the young heroes. Shadow groaned, "This is going to be torture."

Specter chose to ignore the voice as Batman spoke, "Bane is sending drug shipments to places throughout the United States. He's hiding at a warehouse in New York City, you need to stop him as soon as possible and stop the drug shipments."

Static crossed his arms, "Who's he again?"

Shadow thought for a second, "Is he the clown guy?"

Specter shook his head, "That's Joker, Bane's the guy that uses drugs to make himself a human bulldozer." The two oh'ed and Specter rolled his eyes, Batman looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He mentally sighed, "The voices get a bit confused sometimes, Shadow got Bane mixed up with Joker."

Artemis gave him a strange look, "How do you get Bane mixed up with Joker?"

Specter laughed hysterically as Shadow shouted, "You try remembering shit like that in a mind that's this fucked up!"

Specter took a second to calm down and he looked at her, "They have trouble keeping track of stuff. When you're insane and you've got a jumble of voices in your head, along with two that won't shut the fuck up it tends to get a bit chaotic at times."

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