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The next day Specter woke up early in the morning but he refused to leave his room at all. Specter paced in his room all morning and by the time they were supposed to train the heroes wondered where Specter was. Batman was also there since he was still trying to figure out exactly what Specter could do and he looked irritated.

Black Canary sighed, "All of you go find Specter."

The heroes all went to find the ghost teen and Robin figured he was probably in his room or the library. He checked the library and when no one else found him where they looked he wondered what was up with Specter. He lead the team to Specter's room and he knocked on the door, he heard footsteps but no one answered.

Megan looked concerned, "Specter, are you okay?"

They still didn't get an answer, Kid Flash stared at the door, "Dude, at least say something."

Now they could hear mumbling on the other side of the door but Specter still didn't respond. Artemis huffed, "Specter-."

She didn't get to say anything else before Specter opened the door looking very pissed off, "What?!"

The heroes were all shocked, they had no idea why Specter was so angry and they didn't know how to respond to it. Robin answered, "Um, Black Canary told us to find you."

Specter growled, actually growled, before he stormed down the hallway toward where Black Canary and Batman were. The heroes followed at a safe distance and Robin was starting to connect the dots, Specter was going through a mood swing. Specter glared at Black Canary and Batman once he saw them, "What the fuck do you want?!"

Black Canary looked stunned, "Why are you so angry?"

Specter started pacing and moving his hands as he spoke, "Because of my god damn insanity I get unpredictable mood swings. Right now I'm pissed off and I'm just barely controlling my anger so this better be really fucking important."

Static spoke, "Would you calm down, you're going to hurt someone if you keep this up."

Specter glared at him, "You're not helping Static!"

Black Canary paused for a second as she stared at Specter before she spoke again, "It's time for training."

Specter growled, "Then I'm leaving, if I fight someone right now I'll send them to the hospital."

Batman raised an eyebrow, "Where are you going?"

"To Hogwarts!" Yes Specter had read the entire Harry Potter series, he could read whatever the hell we wanted. Specter left the room and the heroes all gave each other confused looks, even when he was angry he hardly made sense.

Specter immediately went to the gym, if he was going to hit something he might as well his something inanimate. Specter saw a punching bag and he shrugged, he could use that to channel his anger so he didn't end up breaking someone's nose. He had to make sure he didn't punch it too hard or he'd break the chains it was hanging from but that wasn't too hard.

He honestly didn't know how long he had been punching the damn thing, he was sure he'd have bruises on his hands by the time he stopped. The heroes trained for over an hour and when they were done they looked for Specter to see if he had calmed down. They searched for a bit when they finally found him in the gym, he looked like he was still aggravated.

Superboy gave Specter a strange look, "Why are you so angry?"

Specter didn't stop punching the punching bag, "I already told you, I can get angry for no reason, it just happens."

Artemis crossed her arms, "There has to be a reason why you're so angry."

Specter punched the punching bag a little too hard and the chains broke, the bag hit the wall with more force then even Specter was expecting. The heroes looked absolutely shocked but Specter just gave the heroes an annoyed look, he didn't want to deal with this. "In case you haven't noticed, my mind is pretty god damn unstable, severe mood swings is one of many downsides to that."

Shadow glared at him, "Another one is that you can never shut the hell up!"

Specter glared at Shadow, "Don't fucking test me right now Shadow, you both know it won't end well!"

Static facepalmed, "Nothing ever ends well when your involved!"

Specter growled, "You know what, fuck this shit." Specter left the gym and the heroes gave each other extremely confused looks, they really wanted to know what his voices said. Specter quickly walked to his room and as soon as the door was closed he locked it and collapsed on his bed.

He felt better after punching the punching bag for a while but his voices annoyed him again. The heroes didn't help with their questions, why was it so hard to understand that he was unpredictable because he's unstable? It was literally like throwing a switch when it came to his emotions sometimes and he wasn't the one turning on and off the lights.

Static sighed, "Well that was a fucking disaster."

Specter laughed humorlessly, "You're telling me, if I had stayed there much longer I might have started throwing punches."

Shadow glared at him, "And you wouldn't have to worry about that if you hadn't come here in the first place! You shouldn't even be in this damn place but you just had to see what the hell they were going to do. Hell, you decided to stick around just to see if Batman can find out about project ghost and when he finds out he'll either lock you up or kill you!"

Specter sat up on the bed, "Don't you think I fucking know that, I just don't give a damn!" Specter sighed as he rubbed his eyes, "At this point I just don't care, they can burn me at the stake if they want. After they figure out what project ghost was for they'll hate me but they probably already do, it'll just he the final nail in the coffin."

Shadow and Static were quiet for a second before Static sighed quietly, "You're fucking screwed."

Specter laughed, "Tell me something I don't know."

Specter laid down on his bed again and he thought about everything, his life was a goddamn mess. He was completely exhausted by all of the random shit that happened before he met the heroes and he wasn't getting better. Most of the time he just wanted everything to stop so he could be done with this fucked up world.

The only time he wasn't was when he talked to Robin, for some reason those conversations between them helped. He actually wanted to keep going for some damn reason, he felt like his life might actually get better. He could live without feeling like he was too fucked up and broken to ever deserve to even be here.

Specter smiled a little before he decided to sleep, his anger was mostly gone but some sleep wouldn't hurt. He closed his eyes and pretty soon he felt the darkness of sleep claim his broken mind.

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