The Reason

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Shadow groaned, "That was painful to watch."

Static sighed, "I hate everything."

Specter was waiting for both of them to shut up, they were currently on the ledge they found. Since it was night Specter decided to go outside and his voices took the opportunity to complain about what happened with the heroes. Specter was sitting with his legs crossed, his head was resting on his hand and he looked hella bored.

Shadow crossed his arms, "This is a disaster."

Specter facepalmed, "Well it's not like we can change it so what's the point in complaining about it?"

Shadow glared at him, "Because it's your fault."

Specter rolled his eyes before the sound of footsteps caught his attention and he contemplated running away. He decided against it and when Robin sat down next to him Specter mentally sighed. He refused to look at Robin, "I'll be honest, I have no idea what to say right now."

Robin laughed a little, "Well can you listen or are your voices being too loud?"

Specter shook his head, "Nope, they decided to shut up."

Robin nodded before he mentally sighed, "Why'd you try to kill yourself, and I'd like the real reason this time."

Specter was quiet for a second, "If I told you the real reason you'd hate me."

Robin gave Specter a serious look, "I won't hate you."

Specter was quiet again before he groaned and messed up his hair out of frustration, "You can't tell anyone, including Batman."

Robin smiled a little, "I haven't told anyone anything you've told me and I'm not starting now."

Specter sighed and looked at his hands, "It's kind of complicated, and really fucked up."

Robin's smile widened, "I think I can handle it."

Specter looked at him, "It has to do with project ghost, hell it was the entire reason it was started in the first place."

Robin looked confused, "Didn't you want Batman to find out about this on his own to win the game?"

Specter fixed his hair, "Yeah, but I'm pretty sure he'd literally kill me if he found out."

Robin looked even more confused, he had no idea what Specter was talking about but he didn't think it was good. Robin hesitated for a second before he reached over and held Specter's hand, Specter seemed a bit surprised but he didn't take his hand away. Robin looked at Specter, "I won't hate you, you can tell me."

Specter took a deep breath before he spoke again, "The project was started so they could make a weapon. Since there were all of these super powered humans running around they wanted something to stop them if they got out of hand. So they made me, the main reason they made me was so that if the Justice League got too powerful or went evil I could kill them."

Specter refused to look at Robin and the hero was shocked, "Oh."

Specter hesitated for a second, "You hate me now, don't you?" Specter mentally sighed, "I'll just leave."

Specter tried to get up but Robin tightened his grip on Specter's hand and wouldn't let him get up. Robin gave Specter a serious look, "I don't hate you, I already told you that I like you and this isn't going to change my mind. But I do want answers, you've avoided my questions before and I'm not letting you this time."

Specter wanted to say something but he knew that he wasn't getting out of this so he decided to accept his fate. Specter sat down again and Robin smiled a little before he looked serious again and spoke. "So you're supposed to stop the Justice League if they go bad?"

Specter sighed, "I'm supposed to stop any hero that goes rogue or if they get too powerful."

"Then why didn't they just have you go after criminals?"

Specter shrugged, "The guys in charge were idiots, they probably didn't think of that idea at all. Either that or they thought that having me go after criminals was too much of a risk because then people would know about me."

Robin hesitated, "How'd you even get involved with the project in the first place?"

Specter was quiet for a minute, "I'd rather not talk about it."

Specter wouldn't look at Robin again and the hero quickly kissed Specter, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Specter blushed a little, "Why do you keep doing that?"

Robin looked slightly confused, "Keep doing what?"

"Why do you keep kissing me?"

Robin blushed a little, "I keep telling you that I like you, I just wanted to kiss you." The two were quiet before Robin spoke again, "I've got one more question."

Specter took a deep breath, "Okay."

Robin tried to calm himself down, "Would you be my boyfriend, you don't have to if you don't want to."

Specter looked at Robin in shock, "I never thought anyone would ever ask me that, especially someone I actually like."

Robin looked Specter in the eye, "So will you say yes?"

Specter looked away, "You do realize that I'm more then just a little fucked up right?"

Robin smiled, "I think I figured that out."

Specter had to force himself not to smile, "If you're sure that you want to date someone as fucked up as me then yeah."

Robin smiled and kissed Specter and it lasted longer then the other times they kissed. When they pulled away they both smiled before something beeped and Robin looked at his halo-glove. Robin sighed, "Batman's looking for me, looks like he's trying to find you too."

Specter mentally sighed before he got up and held out his hand to Robin, "Guess we'd better get going before he blows a fuse or something."

Robin smiled and took Specter's hand, the ghost helped him stand and the two walked inside. They found the other heroes near the zeta tubes and Specter crossed his arms, "If this isn't important I'm going to be pissed."

Shadow growled a little, "Yeah, the one time something good happens and they have to ruin the moment!"

Static rubbed his eyes, "I'm so fucking done with these heroes and their horrible timing."

Batman looked him in the eye, "It's urgent."

Specter raised an eyebrow, "Define urgent."

Batman somehow looked more serious then usual, "An entire city's being held hostage."

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