Stay Calm

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The heroes managed to get over their shock just before the next memory formed around them. Danny was in the same room as before but it was a bit different, there as blood in one of the corners. Words were written in chalk on the walls and floors and Danny was sitting on the floor writing something else in chalk.

It looked like incredibly complicated math that a normal six year old wouldn't understand. He seemed completely focused on what he was writing and when he was finally done he went over what he wrote. He messed up his hair a bit as he thought when there was a click and he tossed the chalk to the other side of the room.

The door opened and a man looked around, "How the hell do you keep getting chalk?"

"None of your damn business."

The man glared at him, "Then I'll just have someone wash it off."

Danny shrugged, "Fine, I'm done with all of this stuff anyway, if you wash it off I'll have room for new stuff."

The man looked beyond pissed as he walked over to Danny, grabbed his arm, and practically dragged him out of the cell. Danny rolled his eyes and the man lead him to another room, he opened the door and Danny just walked in. The heroes were horrified, there was blood everywhere and in the middle was a table, it was bloodier then anything else in the room.

Another man walked in and they strapped Danny to the table while Danny annoyed them. "You guys are so fucking dumb, you do realize that this is bound to end badly sooner or later right?"

The two men left the room and Danny waited for a second before a woman and two different men walked in. The scene faded and when it came back Danny was being pushed into the cold room with blood and chalk. Danny was covered in blood and he was holding his arm but he didn't seem to care, he just sat in the corner and closed his eyes.

The scene faded and another door appeared, many of the heroes were a bit pale after that memory. This memory materialized faster then the other ones, Danny was lying on the floor of the same cold room but it was different. Now there were shadows shifting on the walls and there were faint whispers from an unknown source.

Aqualad looked confused, "What is this?"

Rage rolled his eyes, "These are Danny's memories, you're seeing what he saw, this happened after he started going insane."

The heroes looked around, so this is what Specter saw and heard everyday, no wonder he was so unstable. Danny suddenly spoke, "I'm so fucking bored."

A strange voice answered him, "So am I, there's nothing to do in here."

Danny sighed, "I'm going to die from boredom."

The voice hummed, "You could write something, it would pass the time."

Danny thought for a second before he got up and grabbed some chalk from a corner of the room. He literally scribbled on the wall and the voice laughed once he stepped away from it, "What's that exactly?"

"You, I can't see you so this is you."

The voice paused for a second, the scribble did look a bit like a person, the voice spoke again. "Huh, well it's definitely one interpretation."

Danny shrugged, "Well it gave me something to do."

Danny tossed the chalk behind him and he laid down on the floor again, the voice chose to not say anything. After a few seconds the scene disappeared and yet another door appeared, they all walked through it. This memory formed almost immediately, Danny was in the room and he looked annoyed, he looked to be about ten now.

He spoke, "What the hell is going on? "

As if to answer his question several figures appeared and the heroes were were a bit shocked. They looked like the four different versions of Specter but they were a bit different. Static's hair was black instead of white, Rage's eyes were blue instead of red, and Cross had black hair and blue eyes, Shadow was the only one that looked the same.

Rage shrugged, "Hell if I know, those idiots are fucking weird."

Shadow rolled his eyes, "Who cares about what their doing, they might he idiots but you're an even bigger one."

Rage glared at Shadow, "Say that again and I'll knock you out."

The two glared at each other before there was a click and they all looked at the door, it opened and Danny tensed slightly. Two men walked in and grabbed Danny's arms before dragging him out, he struggled and the two men just kept dragging him. They walked longer then they did before and Danny seemed to know that something was up, they hadn't taken him to this part of the building before.

The two men finally stopped at a door and the heroes looked around the room curiously. There were several people doing various things around the room, there were at least ten people in there. A machine was in the middle of the room and the men were dragging Danny toward it, he didn't seem too happy about it either.

The two men threw Danny inside the machine and closed the door on it right as he tried to get out. He kept banging on the door as the people in the room spoke, they couldn't hear exactly what they were saying though. After about half a minute the machine started up and Danny looked around him to try and find a way out.

All of a sudden he was in pain and he yelled, the heroes looked at what the scene in shock and fear. After a minute or two the machine blew up and Danny stumbled out but he looked different now. He collapsed and the scene faded, Danny groaned before he sat up and he looked around, he sighed, "Guess I'm back in my cell."

Danny shook his head a little when he noticed white hair getting in his eyes and he froze. He moved his hair so he could see it better and when he saw that his hair was indeed white he panicked a little. In his panic he thought he fell but he phased through the floor a bit, he caught himself and managed to turn tangible again.

He tried to calm down and think of an explanation when he thought of something and he paused. The heroes couldn't even tell if he was breathing or not before he tried to find his pulse, he couldn't find it. He spoke so quietly that the heroes had a hard time hearing him, "I don't have a pulse."

Danny started hyperventilating and his hands got tangled in his hair as he started having a panic attack. The shadows they had seen in the last memory started appearing, they seemed darker and more threatening this time. Danny fell to his knees and a voice spoke, "Danny, you need to calm down before you have another psychotic break."

The voice spoke calmly to try and get Danny to stop freaking out, he didn't react to the voice and the shadows kept getting darker. Danny started muttering and the voice sounded more then just a little concerned, "Danny, Danny just calm down, you need to breath."

Danny still wasn't listening and the heroes were eventually able to make out what he was saying. He kept muttering, "I'm dead" and "They killed me" over and over again, now the voice sounded panicked as well, "Danny, listen to me!"

He didn't, the shadows got darker and they looked like horrifying monsters, things that would tear you apart if they got the chance. That was when they heard the whispers, they couldn't make out what they were saying because there were so many of them. Danny covered his ears and did something that shocked the heroes, he started crying.

Now he was muttering something else, he kept saying "Shut up" and "Leave me alone". It took the heroes a second to realize that he was absolutely terrified, they never thought they'd see him get scared. Robin wanted to help him but this was just a memory, he couldn't do anything to help no matter how much he wanted to.

Danny moved into the corner to try and get away from the shadows and he curled in on himself and cried. The same voice kept trying to talk to him but everything it said seemed to not be heard by Danny. The scene soon faded and they walked through the door, they kept thinking about that memory though.

InsanityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora