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When the heroes got back from Central City they didn't look too happy, Specter guessed that the search hadn't gone well. None of them wanted to talk about it and Specter didn't care enough to ask them, he had a pretty good idea of what was going on anyway. It wasn't long before Robin had to leave and when he was gone Specter went to his room so he could think.

The halfa sat on his bed and thought, the GIW literally took an entire city hostage and that was probably just to figure out where he might be. His voices weren't helping either, Shadow was pacing, "Why did they have to show up now, why? Why the hell couldn't the Justice League handle the situation instead of dragging the team alone?"

Specter messed up his hair in frustration, "This is bad."

Static looked frantic, his voice was more drowned out by the static then usual, "No shit, this shouldn't have happened. We should have left as soon as we saw the heroes, we shouldn't have stayed, we shouldn't have put them in danger."

Specter looked at the ground, he knew exactly why he was freaking out more then he and Shadow. He probably wasn't going to calm down any time soon so he'd probably keep freaking out about this for a while. Specter sighed before he decided to sleep, maybe Static would calm down after sleeping for a while.

Several days passed and Static hadn't calmed down, if anything he just got worse as time went on. Specter was currently watching him pace and mumble to himself, the heroes wondered what he was looking at. Miss Martian gave him a confused look, "What are you looking at?"

"Static, he's pacing."

Aqualad spoke, "Why would he be pacing?"

Specter sighed, "Static, do you want to calm down anytime soon."

Shadow suddenly yelled at him, "Of course he's not going to calm down!"

Specter winced, "That was my ear Shadow."

Shadow growled, "I don't know how you aren't acting like him right now, aren't you at least a little concerned about this?!"

"Of course I am, you know I am, but if I start acting like Static is right now that won't solve anything!"

The heroes looked shocked and confused but before any of them could question what he was saying the zeta tubes announced Batman arrival. Specter got up as the other heroes left, Robin stayed behind and looked at Specter, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Specter nodded, "If Shadow and Static calm down I'll be just fine."

Robin looked concerned but he nodded and held Specter's hand, Shadow and Static calmed down a bit when he did that. They held hands until they were just out of sight of the other heroes, once Robin let go of Specter's hand the two voices started to freak out again. Specter's head was starting to hurt a little, he was used to it so he wasn't very concerned.

When he and Robin walked into the room Batman immediately looked at him, "I need to talk to you."

Specter groaned, "Great what to hell do you want this time?!"

Batman eyes narrowed at him, "I need you to explain something."

Specter faked a shocked look, "The infamous Batman needs me to explain something?! It's the end of the world!"

Batman gave him an irritated look before he pulled up several documents and Specter looked at all of them. "So you found my file, I'm honestly surprised that you didn't find it sooner but at least you found it."

Batman looked a bit shocked, "So all of it's true?"

Specter nodded, "Not all of the details are there but all of it's right, I'm pretty sure some of the reports are missing from this."

"Really, so the reports about how you were tortured are all true, every last one of them?"

"How do you think they made me go insane, giving me tea and cupcakes every day?" Specter tried to ignore the fact that Shadow and Static were freaking out more, his headache was getting worse too.

"And the ones where you were experimented on, the ones that say you were dissected and basically torn apart?"

Specter mentally sighed before he pulled up his sleeve and took off his glove, the horrible scars on his arm were clearly visible now. "Some of them are self inflicted but most of them are from the experiments and torture, it hurt like a bitch."

Specter put on his glove again and pulled down his sleeve, he hated looking at the scars so he wanted to keep them covered up. Batman hesitated, it was clear that Specter really had been through a lot, his insanity was probably how his mind tried to protect him. Batman mentally sighed, "I read about why the project was started, you were supposed to stop heroes if they got too powerful or became criminals."

Specter tensed as the heroes stared at him in shock, Robin gave Specter a concerned look, something was wrong. Specter suddenly put a hand to his head and he looked like he was in pain, "Shit."

Specter looked behind him while Kid Flash spoke, "What's going on?"

Specter didn't seem to be paying attention, "Shadow, Static, calm down before-." He was cut off when he yelled in pain and held his head with his other hand, his head felt like it was splitting in two. Shadow's and Static's panic was affecting him and the jumble was louder then it had ever been.

With all of the stuff that was going on in his head he couldn't concentrate, it was giving him a headache. Shadow and Static had been freaking out before but Batman brought up everything they'd all rather forget. Telling everyone about the whole purpose of the project was the last step off the edge.

Specter could hardly see anymore, the only thing he could hear was the voices and he was starting to feel numb. The heroes were shocked and concerned and when they tried talking to Specter he didn't answer them. They were all trying to figure out what to do when Specter suddenly collapsed and they freaked out.

Batman quickly called Black Canary and told her to get to the mountain as the heroes either freaked out or froze from shock. Robin didn't even hesitate to quickly walk up to Specter and kneel next to him to see if he was okay. Black Canary entered the mountain within minutes and she knelt down next to specter as well.

Batman told her what happened as she tried to figure out what was wrong, she thought he might be injured. When Batman told her about the part with Shadow and Static and that it seemed like his head was hurting she thought of something. Black Canary looked at Miss Martian, "Megan, I need you to look into Specter's mind."

Miss Martian hesitated, "I can't, his mind is always protected by barriers, I wouldn't even be able to create a mind link with him if he didn't let me."

Black Canary spoke quietly, "Please, try."

Megan hesitated before she nodded and she knelt next to Specter and tried to scan his mind. She immediately gasped and stood up before backing away, "His mind, it's like his mental barriers broke. I've never seen a mind so unstable and broken, I can't believe he can even function with a mind like that."

Robin glanced at Specter before looking at Megan, "Is anything else wrong with his mind?"

She nodded, "Something's making his mind break apart, his thoughts and emotions were in such a chaotic state that I couldn't figure out what's causing it or how to stop it."

Aqualad thought for a second, "What if we went into his mind?"

The other heroes stared at him in shock, Superboy spoke, "That's insane."

"Yes but it's the only way we might be able to stop whatever's happening to Specter. If we can get inside and help bring some semblance of order to his mind again he might be okay."

Megan thought about it for a few seconds, "It could work. We'd have to be careful when we're in there but if we can find him in his mind we could stop it from collapsing."

The heroes all looked at Specter before Batman nodded, "It's the only plan we have."

He looked at Megan and she nodded, before anyone really knew what was happening everything went black and they were unconscious.

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