The Library

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Specter disappeared so the heroes couldn't follow him before he snuck back into the room. He wanted to know what they were going to say now that he was gone, he was too curious for his own good. Specter watched the heroes and waited for someone to speak, the heroes looked for him for several minutes before they gave up.

Batman looked at the team, "I want all of you to keep an eye on him, if you find out anything then tell me immediately." The young heroes nodded, Robin was the only one that didn't, he actually looked like he was deep in thought. The young heroes were told that they could leave and they did, Specter decided that it would be a good idea to leave.

Specter had hacked into the zeta tubes some time ago and with a simple command it wouldn't announce his name. Specter got into the mountain a minute or two before the young heroes did and the halfa wondered what he could do to pass the time. When he first came here he explored the mountain but he had memorized the layout so now he had to find a new activity.

Specter thought about the rooms he found while exploring and when he thought of something he walked there with a spring in his step. Specter opened the door to the library and he browsed the titles before he picked a random one and found a chair before he started reading. He read the book and when he was done he grabbed another random one and read that one as well.

The team didn't know where Specter might be and they decided to leave him alone since they didn't know if he wanted to be around people. After about four or five hours Robin decided to look for the teen since he didn't have anything else to do, he was also a little worried. When the League talked to him his voices seemed to upset him, not only that but his conversation with Specter the night before didn't go very well.

Robin went to find Specter and he looked everywhere that he might be and after almost half an hour he wondered if Specter was hiding. Robin eventually reached the library and he figured that he might as well see if Specter was inside. Robin opened the door and he looked around, he soon found Specter sitting in a chair and Robin got a little closer.

Specter's eyes were closed and there was a book on his stomach, his head was resting on one of his arms and he was slouching in the chair. Robin was amazed at how peaceful Specter looked, whenever Robin paid close attention to Specter's face he looked like he was in pain. Whether it was physical or emotional Robin didn't know, the teen could easily hide any injuries he might have.

Robin didn't want to wake Specter up but a library wasn't the best place to sleep so Robin decided to wake him up. Robin slowly reached out a hand and as soon as Robin just lightly touched him Specter woke up and he moved away from him immediately. Robin pulled his hand away and took a step back in shock, he hadn't expected Specter to react like that.

Specter looked at him and breathed a sigh of relief, "When the hell did you get here?!"

Robin took a second to get over his shock, "Not that long ago, I came to make sure you were okay and I saw that you were sleeping. I was going to let you sleep but I figured that the library wouldn't be a good place to sleep so I woke you up."

Specter suddenly looked bored, "You wanted to see if I was okay?"

Robin looked away for a second, "It seemed like Shadow and Static upset you before."

Specter looked a little confused, "You actually noticed?"

Robin mentally sighed before he sat in a chair that was next to Specter, Robin then noticed the books. There were small piles of books around Specter and he wondered if Specter wanted to read all of them. He'd ask about that later, "You told me before that you didn't really like them, it seemed like you were arguing with them before."

Specter crossed his arms and huffed, "I was, they were being annoying as hell."

Robin hesitated for a second, "What are Shadow and Static like?"

Specter gave Robin an annoyed look, "Why the hell do you care?"

Robin sighed, "Honestly, I want to get to know you, your voices are technically part of you so I want to learn about them too. Batman told us to keep an eye on you but I don't care about his orders, I know you might not believe me but I really do want to get to know you."

Specter's eyes widened in shock and Robin looked away, he wouldn't blame Specter if he just got up and left. Specter mentally sighed, "Shadow talks more then Static and he's angry a lot, Static is quieter and constantly questions what I do."

Robin started at Specter in disbelief before he smiled a little, "They don't seem like good company."

"You're telling me?! Those two talk way more then any normal person can tolerate and when they yell they're really fucking loud!"

Robin couldn't help but laugh a little, "Is that why you don't like them?"

"Pretty much, they're insufferable because they can't shut the fuck up most of the time."

Shadow scowled, "Well neither can you moron!"

Specter winced before looking to his left, "Stop yelling in my ear Shadow."

Robin noticed something, "Why do you always look to the left when you talk to Shadow?"

Specter looked at Robin, "Whenever I hallucinate they stand in the same places next to me. I got into the habit of looking to the side that they show up on when I talk to them."

Robin hummed, "That actually kind of makes sense in a weird way."

Specter laughed a little before he remembered the books he was reading and he mentally sighed. He picked up some of the books and got up, "I'm going to put these away."

Robin raised an eyebrow, "Didn't you want to read them?"

Specter looked at Robin, "I already read all of them." Specter put the books away and Robin decided to help, they put all of the books away and Specter hesitated for a second. "Thanks."

Robin gave him a confused look, "For what?"

Specter smiled sadly, "For treating me like a person." Robin felt shocked and sad when Specter said that but before he could say anything Specter left the library. Robin froze for a second and when he ran to try and catch up to him but he was too late, Specter had already disappeared.

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