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I walked to my school, Jackson High School, with my best friend, Ally. I have known Ally since T-ball, when we were both 4. We are on the same fastpitch team, the Cobra's, along with a couple other girls from our school including Katelyn and Jenny. When we walked into our small High School, of coarse the first thing we see is the purple and lime green sweats of the Panthers players. Camila Cabello, sophomore, starting short-stop, Dinah Jane Hansen, sophomore, starting first baseman, Normani Kordei, Junior, starting center fielder, and the last part of their little group Cady the prodigy freshman pitcher. I scoffed as they saw me and started walking over to us. Cady was probably the only 15 year old to play for an 18u gold softball team in town. While walking over to us Cady looked scared but the others looked confident.

"Jauregui" Dinah said looking me up and down

"Hansen..." I said crossing my arms over my chest

"Hernandez" Normani said giving Ally a look

"Kordei" Ally said narrowing her eyes

"Cabello" I heard Jenny say from behind me.

"Doyle" Camila muttered

"O'Bryan" Katelyn said walking up next to me

"Mckenzie" Cady said nervously

Dinah gave Cady a look then spoke again

"How's your little snake team doing?" Dinah said

"Great! How about your kitten team?" Ally said smirking

Camila gave us a death glare and turned away grabbing Cady's arm and walking away pulling Cady with her. Dinah and Normani followed.

"TRY OUTS ARE NEXT WEEK" I called out after them

Dinah turned around flipping us off and screamed

"WE KNOW DUMBASS" The turned back around following her teammates.

"Well aren't they just peachy" Ally said when they were out of sight

"Yeah... I feel bad for Cady though... she seems sweet" Jenny said her hazel eyes softening for a second

"Doyle!!! She's the enemy!" I said giving her a look

"Yeah you're right.... the enemy" Jenny muttered

Jenny is our starting 3rd baseman, Katelyn is our starting left fielder, Ally's at second base and I'm the starting catcher. I'm also the captain, Cabello is the Panthers captain. There are only 4 of the Cobra's that go to this school... the others live out of town.... but same goes for the Panthers....


"Ughh.... Red and Black make me sick" I heard Dinah say from behind me.

We were heading to our classes right after the little run in with the Cobra's.

"Yeah whatever.... They are just too cocky" I said letting go of Cady's arm when we got to my locker.

Cady is about 4ft 11in, blond hair, green eyes.... and my foster sister. Yeah that's right we are her foster family. None of the Cobra's know that though. I looked down at her.

"You good? I mean I know you hate leaving me but you're a freshman and I'm not" I said, I have to do this every day... I'm like the only one she trusts, even if it is more then half way though the school year. I don't mind doing it at all.

"Yeah... I'll see you after school?" She asked looking up at me hopefully

"Yup now go to your history class" I said ruffling her hair

She ran off to her history class and I was left with Dinah and Normani.

"Why does she have to follow us around all the time?" Dinah asked a little annoyed

"Cause I said so now shut your mouth" I said turning and opening my locker

"She just... I don't know i get a weird vibe from her" Dinah said

"You would have a weird vibe too if you had half as tough a life as her" I said taking out my books and walking to my Algebra 3-4 class.

"Well I Like her" Normani said following me

"Good" I said

"Stop being a butt kisser" Dinah muttered

I turned around and gave Dinah a look then turned back around and kept walking to my Algebra class. While walking to my algebra class people kept saying 'hi' and 'what's up' to me. You see softball is a pretty big deal here... so everyone knows me, and my team, and Lauren and her team. It helps me protect Cady a lot more too. Cady isn't the most social person.... she doesn't socialize much, but being a prodigy pitcher and infielder in a town revolved around softball treats her well. My family took her in as our foster child when she was 13, she's 15 now and only my family can witness the real Cady. Cady actually has a younger sister named, Olivia who also has her big innocent green eyes but has dark brown hair, which she inherited from her father. Oliva is Sofi's age and they go to the same school. I reached my algebra class and saw that Miss Lovato was sitting at her desk. Demi Lovato is my algebra 3-4 teacher and the softball coach at our school. I waved at her an her smiled back at me,

"Coming to the try outs next week?" She asked

"You know it!!" I said sitting down at my desk in the front and getting out my homework.

While I was checking my homework I heard someone sit next to me pulling out their own homework. I rolled my eyes already knowing who it was. I looked to my right and sure enough and one and only Lauren Jauregui was sitting next to me. Miss Lovato put us together which was obviously not the smartest idea.

"Cabello" She greeted me in her sassy tone

"Jauregui" I mumbled not looking at her

No words were said the rest of the period. When I heard the bell ring I gathered my stuff and left to second period. The next 2 periods flew by and soon it was lunch. I walked to the Panthers table where Normani,Dinah, Cady and I sit. I saw Dinah and Normani siting at the table and I walked over and joined them. We started talking about different kinds of bats, which one is the best kind... the beast hitting quality and the coaches favorite kinds. In the middle of our conversation Cady came up and sat down next to me. Dinah rolled her eyes and continued eating her sandwich. Cady looked at me nervously and I gave her a calming smile. Dinah doesn't really like Cady all that much because... Well Cady's better at softball then her... and before Cady came to our team Dinah was the biggest hitter on the team, then here comes a small 4 ft. 11in. 15 year old who can hit just about anything over the fence. Dinah was moved to the 5th spot on the line-up and Cady was moved to the 4th. I'm the 1st hitter in the line-up, Normani is like 7th or something cause she keeps popping thing up in the air. I put my arm around Cady and looked over my shoulder at the Cobra's table. Lauren has happily eating her pizza talking with Ally and Katelynn, and Jenny was kinda spacing out looking over at our table. I followed her eyes and little more closely and saw she was staring directly at Cady..... hmmmmmm jealous much? Does Jenny have a crush on my sweet little Cady?



So I had this idea for awhile now and I was kinda like should I start it before or after 'Can I Love you?' So I decided that I would write it now.... but just be warned I don't know how the updates will be...

And also If you don't play softball I wanted to explain that the first 3 hitters in your batting order are people that are fast and can get on base. 4th is usally your big hitter, 5th is also a big hitter, the rest are just kinda there i guess lol.

So I hoped you liked the first chapter!!!!

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