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I watched as Jenny ran around trying to get her siblings in order. I laughed as she muttered curse words to me. Just as Jenny caught her littlest sibling the door opened and a women with bright brown eyes and blond hair walked in, followed by a man with black hair and dark blue eyes. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to look at them. The women smiled big at me, the man just looked at me like it was normal.

"Hello!! I am Mrs. Doyle! Who are you?" Jenny's mom said sticking out her hand

"I'm Cady" I said shaking her hand

"Are you Jennifer's girlfriend! Jenny! She's cute!" Her mom said pinching my cheeks

"Mom! Stop! She's not my girlfriend! What are you guys doing home this early?" Jenny said fantically picking up random pieces of clothing.

"Well! We were going to surprise sooo.... SURPRISE" Jenny's mom said jumping up in the air and her dad just waved his hands unenthusiastically.

"We also brought Chinese food" Jenny's father said monotonously, then showing us the bags of food

"YAY FOOD!" Jenny's mom yelled over enthusiastically running into the kitchen.... This family...

Jenny turned to me

"I guess you're staying for diner..." She said smiling shyly

I smiled back and reached up to kiss her on the cheek, then leaving her standing in the middle of the hallway shocked.


I was sitting in my honors science class. We were learning about chemistry when suddenly we all heard 2 gun shots outside in the hall. Mr. Horan, my teacher, stopped writing and looked at the door. We then heard 3 more gun shots and a scream. Everyone started freaking out. We then heard the announcement...

"Attention everyone here at school... there is an intruder with a gun in the building... please this is not a drill I repeat... there is an intruder in the building. All teachers please lock your doors and hide the students" The principal said trying to sound calm but we all could the fear and horror in her voice. Mr. Horan rushed us all away from the door and some of us into the cabinets... He then shut the lights off and locked the door, then running back over to us.

"Please... everyone quiet... they are right outside our door" Mr. Horan said sitting in front of us, behind a desk. Everyone was dead silent. We could heard the squeaking of the intruders shoes as they came closer to our room. I squeezed my eyes shut, and I could feel the girl next to me start to shake in absolute fear. I reached out and grabbed her hand, opening one eye to look at the Asian girl next to me smile a little at the jester. Suddenly the squeaking stopped... right next to our door. The girl squeezed my hand tight, and I squeezed back even harder squeezing my eyes shut tighter. We all heard the doorknob start to jiggle... we also heard faint sirens, and the doorknob started to jiggle harder. Suddenly the jiggling stopped and we heard the sirens coming closer. Just when we thought we were safe, we heard a giant crash looked over to see the intruder standing there, having have broken the door. I squeaked as I saw his pistol in his hand. Mr. Horan was silently praying in Gaelic. The intruder looked around and then spotted all of us along the wall. I then made an incredible stupid, yet smart decision, I took the incredibly heavy book sitting next to me and threw it with all my might at the large intruder standing 10 feet away from me. The book hit the intruder in the head, this somehow resulting in him randomly shooting, before falling over unconscious. I sighed in relief leaning back against the wall. I looked around and saw Mr. Horan frantically screaming at me rushing over to my leg. I looked down and realized... I had been shot in the lower leg. I pain rushed through me as everything became cloudier. I saw a lot of blood... I mean a lot... I also saw the blurry Mr. Horan ripping his shirt off... Damn, nice body Mr. Horan.... Then wrapping the shirt around my calf and start to apply pressure. I saw my worried classmates surrounding me, I also heard Mr. Horan's voice from far away just before I blacked out.

"Cady... stay with my Cady.... PLEASE CADY COME ON!"


I stood outside surrounded by news teams, scared high school students and beyond worried parents. I had been evacuated right away, since the gunman was not in my hall. I was fanatically looking around for someone... just someone I knew. I suddenly spotted my mom in the distant crowd, tears streaming down her face. I screamed in relief running towards the mom I had just found out to be my mom. Once I reached her I gave her the biggest hug I felt her wrap her arms around me and then I felt another, smaller, pair of arms wrap around us. I pulled back a little to let Camila into the hug. I heard Sinu sigh in relief and hug her second oldest. We all were crying, traumatized the event that had just taken place. We heard ambulances driving away... not being able to see the people inside. Camila suddenly pulled back from the hug.

"Cady" She whispered and I felt the color drain from my face

"WE NEED TO FIND HER!" Camila screamed running through the crowd, I followed her, leaving Sinu standing in the middle of this shit, crying for her 3rd daughter. We searched all over not finding her anywhere, we look for a good 30 minutes, finding everyone else we cared about in the crowd. We then saw the office put up a list.... a list of the dead and injured... Camila cried out as she saw this list, pulling me to it. We first looked at the dead. 5 freshman. I could feel Camila shaking as we turned to the injured list. Sure enough... Cady O'Bryan Cabello was listed.







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