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Cady has been trying to get her leg to work with the rest of her body... She's been going to a gym with me and Lauren to practice walking and doing simple things. When we have practice she helps the couches out with correcting other people's forms. Right now we are doing fielding practice and Cady is standing off to the side with her crutches and watching. A lot of the older didn't really enjoy a freshman correcting their stance and their footwork but she knew what she was saying. Plus I found it incredibly sexy. Coach Lovato hit a ball straight to the side of Camila and she back handed it and then threw it perfectly to Dinah at 1st. Cady smiled at her and Camila gave her a thumbs up.  Coach hit it to me next and fielded it and then threw to Ally at second who threw it Dinah at first again, Ally over throwing Dinah and the glaring at Dinah. I saw Cady frown and Coach Lovato shook her head.

"Ok...guys... We are a team and we need to act like one. Ally you need to trust Dinah to catch the ball. She will catch the ball. Jenny that was a good throw to Ally. I decided that we are going to have a team retreat" Coach said and everyone groaned.

"It will be a week long, don't worry I already checked with our teachers and every things cool." Coach Lovato said and Ally groaned

"Everything is still not ok! I'm not spending a week with them!" Ally said pointing at Normani and Dinah

"You're going to have to" Coach Gomez said from the side with Cady her clipboard in hand

"We are going to go camping and we leave tomorrow" Coach Lovato said ending practice.

I shrugged and walked off to the locker room, Cady following me.


I pulled my suitcase and Cady's along the sidewalk to get to the bus. I had my snap back on my head, a nen yellow tournament sweatshirt on, black skinny jeans and my neon yellow vans. Cady was trudging along beside me in  jean jacket, white shirt, skinny jeans, blank converse and on of Camila's bows.When we got to the bus I put our suitcases in the bottom where the rest were and helped Cady into the bus. We sat in the front seat. Lauren and Camila were sitting behind us. They had gotten a lot closer the past couple weeks helping Cady do things and now the 3 sister are practically inseparable. Camila still is indifferent towards me but she is getting better.

"Hey guys" Cady said turning towards her sisters

"Hey kid" Lauren said reaching out and brushing some of her hair out of her face.

The other players started to slowly get on the bus until it was full.

"Alright ladies... you better have gone to the bathroom because it's going to be a drive" Coach said before we left. Cady sighed and leaned into me as the bus started to drive. I smiled at her slightly and put my head on top of hers. Turning my face to kiss her head before closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.


 I woke up to someone shaking me. I groaned and swatted at them.

"Ow.... Doyle get your ass up!"I heard Lauren say shaking me again

I opened my eyes slightly and noticed that Lauren was standing over me ans Cady with an impatient look on her face. I frowned at her and stretched my arms, waking up Cady.

"Come on you lovebirds" Lauren said grabbing my hand and leading me and Cady off the bus.

Coach Lovato was dress in a shirt that said "Number One Coach" on it, jean shorts, a baseball hat and tennis shoes. Coach Gomez was dress in her Team USA fastpitch jacket, with her number, 9, on the front.

"Ok guys... This is a team bonding camp each of you will be assigned a cabin, which will have a counselor and we will all be doing team bonding exercises each day. I already picked out your cabin mates... 4 to a cabin. The cabins will be... Cabello, Doyle, Kordei and Hernandez, and then O'Bryan, Jauregui, Hansen, and Mckenzie-"

'NO NOT HAPPENING" Katelyn said crossing her arms.

"Yes happening" Demi said and began to list off the other cabins.

We all went to our seprate cabins and when Ally, Camila, Normani and got to our cabin we immediatly started fighting.

"I want the top bunk!" Ally screamed at Normani who was sitting criss cross on the top bunk

"Too bad shortie" Normani said pulling the covers up over her face.

"Ally stop yelling at Normani!" Camila said and Ally turned around to look at her

"You don't tell me what to do Cabello" She said jabbing Camila in the chest with each word.

I juist slowly backed up until I hit something. I turned around and a 20ish looking girl was standing there with a face eating smile, her bleach blond hair pulled into a high pony tail.

"Holy shit" I said buting my hand over my heart and bend over, she had really scared my

"HI! MY NAME IS JULIA AND I WILL BE YOUR CABIN LEADER" She yelled in a joy filled voiced

"I'm Ally, this is Jenny, Normani and Camila" Ally said introducing each of us

"HELLO! I heard you were a softball team... I once hit a softball in PE.... It didn't go very far and I was out at first but I hit it  and then-"

"Ok lady...." Normani said interrupting her

"Oh we'll have a grand time... Tomorrow we are doing my favorite exercise. You have to..."

I turned to Camila and whispered

"This is going to be a long week" 






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