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After they sang the national anthem they called for coaches. Me and Camila walked up with Demi and Selena to met the other team. The team we were playing had never been good in the past... but really you can't judge a team until you played them. I walked up to home pate and stood there standing tall and confident still in my catchers gear from warming Cady up. Camila was standing next to me, arms crossed and she had a slight smirk. I looked across from us and I saw a girl with black hair and amber eyes, the coaches were not the coaches they had in years in the past. They were 2 male coaches, one had a nasty scar running across his cheek, the other looked like he had a permeant frown. The umpire explained the rules and I looked over at Cabello, me and Camila don't usually agree on things but I could see that she agreed with me on this one. This team looks fucking crazy... When we shook hands with the girl and the two men, the one with the nasty scar gripped my hand a little too tight. I let out a little squeal and Camila looked at me weird. He turned and shook Camila's hand and she also let out a squeal. We turned back around and walked to the dugout rubbing our hands. When we got in the dugout everyone looked at us and I motioned for them to all come over to me.

"Alright... I have a feeling this team is going to play dirty... watch your guys back alright... I don't want to end up with any injuries... Jenny block the bag but be careful, Cabello you do the same, Dinah you too. Alright, Cabello anything else to add?" I said

"Let's kick some ass" Camila said smirking bring her hand into the middle of the circle. We all piled our hands on top of hers.

"Eagles on 3, 1... 2... EAGLES!!" We shouted


It was the 3rd inning and we were winning 7-4. Cady was on 1st and Dinah was up to bat. I was watching in the dugout as the ball slipped past the catcher and Cady took off. As Cady ran passed the 2nd baseman we all watched in horror as the 2nd baseman hooked her foot around Cady's leg and tripped her making her fall flat on her back, hard. The umpire called interference and told Cady she could take 3rd but Cady was gripping her face mask on her helmet in pain, she rolled over and curled upon a ball.

"HER BACK!! IT'S HER BACK!!!" Camila was screaming from the dugout.

Demi and Selena ran out to check on Cady while we all were in shock.

"Cabello! What's wrong with your sister!" I whisper yelled to Camila

"She has a bad back.... She landed on it... not good." Camila explain briefly

We watched as Demi and Selena helped Cady up and into the dugout, the girl looking like she had just been impaled.

"Jauregui you are the farthest from Cady in the batting order... go to 3rd." Selena ordered helping Cady lie down on the bench. I put on my helmet but just before I left the dugout I heard...

"Brendan you're pitching" Demi calls to Hannah

I gulped at the thought if Cady being so injured she couldn't pitch and set out towards 3rd.


We ended up winning... but barely... we won 10-8. Cady lying on the bench the rest of the game. Whenever Camila would come in the dugout she would sit by Cady's head and stroke her hair. Now we are in the bus heading home and Cady is asleep on Camila's shoulder Camila was talking on the phone with her mother in Spanish but since I knew Spanish I could understand what she was saying.

"No mom... she's fine, she'll just need some rest... Yes she's right here... Alright fine... yeah... love you too... goodbye..." Camila said sighing and hanging up the phone.

I had never met Camila's family... I haven't really ever seen them either... they seemed nice though... I sighed and leaned my head up against the window.

I must have fallen asleep because I was awoken when the bus jerked to a stop right outside our school. I groaned groggily and got up getting my bag and leaving the bus. While I was wailing to my car I bumped into someone on accident. I turned to say I was sorry when the lady's eyes widened.

"Lauren?" She asked shocked.

"Ummm.. hey!" I said giving an awkward wave.

"Oh my god it is you!" The lady said hugging me.

"Not to be rude but... who are you?" I asked the woman hugging me.

"I'm Sinu! Sinu Cabello" she said her eyes saddening

"Oh... you are Camila's mom!" I said

"Yeah... I'll see you around..." She said her voice filled with something I couldn't figure out. I shrugged and walked to my car.


When I got into the car with my mom something seemed off about her but I shook it off telling myself she was fine. When we got to the house I heard my mom on the phone with someone... probably my father.

"Yes I saw her!"

"Lauren yes!"

"I know but maybe we can!"

"I just want my other daughter back"

I froze in place... What the fuck?

Wait... what?!?

Sorry it was kinda short!

Ooooo shit about to go down!!!

So what do you guys think?

I hope you liked the chapter!!!

Anyway! Until next time!!!!


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