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We were at practice and I kept seeing Jenny looking at Cady. It freaked me out... I knew, or thought, Jenny had a crush on Cady and all the starring just made me more sure of it. It made me think... what would happen if I told Cady to make Jenny fall in love with her, then brake her heart.... it would be an evil plan... Not something to be proud of... but then again Lauren did lose control, so why can't I? Well anyway back to the practice.

"Camila!!! I want you and Lauren to go practice hitting together." I heard Coach Lovato yell from the dugout

I groaned... not her again. I decided to not make a scene and just go with the she-devil. I picked up my bat and went over to the hitting station Lauren was at.

"Cabello" She greeted me smirking.

"Jauregui" I said through gritted teeth.

"Come on, Cabello, loosen up" She said slapping my shoulder, laughing, and getting in her hittting stance.

I sighed and sat down throwing balls for her to hit. After a few balls she stood staight up and looked at me, curiously.

"What's up with you and O'Bryan?" She asked looking straight at me.

"What?!?" I asked shocked at her question

"What's up with you and O'Bryan, are you two dating or something?" She asked crossing her arms

"No!!! Why would you need to know that? That's between me and my team." I said angrily

"Well sorry to brake it to you Cabello... We are part of the same team now" She countered smirking at me

"If you really should know Jauregui... Cady and I are fucking sisters and no.. we are not fucking dating" I spat angrily at her

"Sisters?!? She looks nothing like you!" She said shocked

"She my foster sister!" I said angrily

She just looked at me, trying to see if I was lying, then when she figured out I wasn't I heard her mutter a 'damn' under her breath then get back in her hitting stance shaking her head in disbelief. After we were done hitting, Coach Lovato called Dinah, Cady, Normani, Lauren, Jenny, Katelyn, Ally and I to center field. She let everyone else go. She has been doing this every practice. She somehow knows we hate each other and trys to help us to actually like each other. Coach Gomez was next to her smiling at each of us.

"Alright... Let's cut to the chase. Everyone knows you hate each other...So let's do a little bonding session... Dinah I want you to say something nice about Ally.... Ally say something nice about Dinah. Lauren, you do Camila, Camila do Lauren. Cady do Katelyn, Katelyn do Cady. Normani do Jennifer, Jennifer do Normani. Dinah you start." Demi said motioning to Dinah

"Ally... I like how you never to seem to fail at making me want to puke every time I see you" Dinah said smirking, Ally glared at Dinah.

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