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On Monday we were training hard for our game against our rival school. Coach Lovato was working us hard and I even felt a little queasy.

"O'Bryan! Doyle! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! YOU DON'T DROP THE BALL, YOU CATCH IT! GO RUN!" Coach Lovato screamed and I filched and looked down the ground then started jogging around the field, Jenny joining me soon after I start running.

"Hey" She said tossing her perfectly straight brown hair over her shoulder.

"H-hi" I stuttered then cursed myself for looking stupid.

"So... You're pretty much sisters with my best friend... so I think we should get to know each other better, do you want to go to get a milkshake with me after practice?" She said nervously rubbing the back of her neck as we run around the feild.

"Uh... sure, I'd like that" I said smiling up at her and she grinned to herself and we continued running around the feild.


"LITTLE C BE GETTIN IT!" I screamed at Camila then laughed

Sure Cady may not be my favorite person, be I think the little munchkin is growing on me. I saw Camila look at Jenny and  Cady and narrow her eyes.

"I don't ship it D-Mac" She said grumpily and I rolled my eyes. She just doesn't like the fact Jenny is on the Corbra's. I actually am starting to like some of those Cobra's.

"GURL I SHIP IT HARDCORE" I screamed and Coach Gomez shot me a sharp look.

"Hansen and Cabello... pay attention" She said and we turned back to Demi who was explaining something.


YASSSS I FINALLY ASKED HER OUT!!! Well not really on a date but whatever.... same difference. After practice I quickly changed into my white band T-shirt and my black skinny jeans, my red beanie and my red vans. I got out of the locker room and waited for Cady. I finally saw her coming out with black leggings, a jean jacket with a white tank top underneath and blue converse. I smiled but it quickly vanished when I saw Cabello coming out of the locker room, glaring at me. She marched right up to me, passing Cady and got right up in my face.

"I'll let you take you out to get a milkshake, Doyle but you better not try anything" She said before Cady pulled her back, whispering something to her. Camila scoffed and then flipped me off, walking to her car.

"She scares me" I said to Cady and she laughed

"She's a big softly" Cady said walking with me to my car.

We got in the car I turned on the radio and she started jamming out to "Shake it Off" by Taylor Swift. I laughed and started to drive out of the parking lot.

"Taylor Swift fan?" I asked and she nodded violently

Queens of the Diamond (Fifth Harmony Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now