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When we saw that little name on the critical condition list I heard a sob ecscape Camila's lips as people started crowding around us to see if their child or friend was unlucky just like out sister. I was in shock but after a few minutes I came back to my senses and grabbed Camila's hand and pulled her away from the crowd and back to our mother.

"Mom, we need to go to the hospital... now" I said still dragging Camila with me.

My mom's eyes widened in fear and she nodded her head following us to her car. I got in the drivers seat since I was probably the only one fit to drive at the moment. Mom was in the passenger seat and Camila was in the back crying her eyes out, muttering stuff under her breath. Once we reached the hospital, all of us jumped out of the car running into the hospital.

"Where's Cady O'Bryan Cabello?" I said out of breath slamming my hands on the counter. The receptionist looked up at me in bewilderment, then I guess she noticed the fear in my eyes and she started typing on her computer.

"I'm sorry Miss, she's in surgery right now... but you can go up to the waiting room." She said softly, looking at Cady's injuries in her computer, then looking at me sympathetically. I gulped and turned to to Camila and our mom and took both of their hands before we all walked up to the waiting room. Me and Camila sat down and my mom said she had to make a call. She pulled out her phone and walked out in the hall. Camila put her head in her hands and I leaned back taking it all in. I could hear my mom talking on the phone is Spanish.... probably to my dad. I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep in the uncomfortable hospital chair.

I was awoken by someone shaking me. I blinked a couple ties, realizing where we where and Camila was standing over me. I looked around and noticed the rest of the family was here and that a doctor was walking into the room. I stood up quickly as the doctor call out Cady's name.

"So... Cady is alive... But-"

"Just let me see her!" My mom pleading just wanting to see her daughter.


"Please" Camila begged

The doctor said and motioned for us to go into the room. We all rushed into the room and saw Cady sitting up on the bed. She looked perfectly fine. I sighed out in relief and ran over and hugged her. She weakly hugged me back, she probably had a lot of medication she took. One by one everyone hugged her.

"Oh Cady... I'm so glad you're ok" My mom said sighing

"I'm not ok mom..." Cady mumbled

"What do you mean? You look perfectly fine" I said looking at her

"They shot me in the leg" She mumbled

"Yeah?" Camila asked

"They amputated it" She muttered looking away from us

"What?!?" Dad said lifting up the covers and sure enough her leg was cut off just below the knee.


"Do you realize that I can't play softball anymore now? Do you realize that I lost my leg!?" She said glaring at all of us.

"Cady.... calm down, we will get through this ok? Just because you lost half your leg doesn't mean that you can never play softball again. We will help you... the team will help you, you are not alone ok!" I said grabbing her face and making me look me in the eyes. Her eyes softened and she nodded.


We were out of school for the next week. Our school was all over the news and Cady got back from the hospital a couple days ago. She is in a wheel chair right now and she didn't go to school today but when I walked into the dugout I saw everyone surrounding her as she sat in her wheel chair crossing her arms.

"Cady! You're not supposed to be here!!!" I said annoyed as I made my way over to the group.

"I wanted out" Cady said glaring at me.

"Does mom know about this?!" I said and she shrugged

"That means no:" I muttered to myself as I got out my phone and texted our mom that Cady was at the feild as I got my cleats on. We all ran out of the dugout and started warming up and Cady decided to come out and watch with Camila right at her heels asking her a million questions. For the most part practice was pretty depressing... Everyone was so scared today at school. A lot of people asked me and Camila about Cady and we told them she was alive. The five students that were killed were a group of students that were from a English class that were carrying books back to class. 3 girls and 2 boys. All of them killed instantly. Everyone who was injured was perfectly normal now... except Cady, she is now thought of as a hero because she apparently knocked the shooter out cold before he shot her in the leg.

"O'Bryan! You are not supposed to be here!" I heard Demi said marching up to Cady.

"I wanted to help." she said crossing her arms

"Cady... you can't get back up on your feet again unless you rest" Coach Lovato said and Cady glared at her

"Ok maybe that was a bad chose of words but you aren't going to get any better until you rest!" She said and Cady turned away from her

"I am tired of 'resting' I am going to help with this practice whether you like it or not" Cady muttered

I heard Coach sigh and she nodded letting Cady go out and watch some of the JV players pitch.

"That girl is going to be something someday" Coach muttered under her breath brier she looked up and started yelling at us again.







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