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We were warming up right before our big game of the day... The Cobra v. Panther game. I took the 3rd base side of the field. Cabello was doing the same thing, glaring at me. I smirked at her then turned around and tied my red nike cleats. Soon I was warming up our pitcher, Hannah, and their catcher was warming up Cady. I heard the Ump yell "COACHES" and i got up and joined my coaches, Leigh-Anne and Jesy at home plate. Across from us was Cabello and her coaches Perrie and Jade. Me and Cabello were giving each other death glares. Our coaches were more mature about it and were just kind of ignoring each other.

"Alright girls, you know the rules, anything under the fence is a automatic double... the outfielder will raise both hands to show that it is under.... any questions?" The umpire said looking between us.

"Aright heads or tails?" He said pointing at me

"Heads" I said confidently

He threw the coin up in the air and i watched as it twirled in the air and landed on the ground on tails. I silently cursed at myself.

"Ok Panthers, Home or Visitor?" He asked

"Home" Cabello said smirking at me.

I gave her a death glare and her smiled at me.

"Alright lets play!" The umpire said shaking each of our hands. I shook Jade and Perrie's hands then left not bothering to shake Cabello's. I went into our dug out and gathered my team.

"We all know this is going to be a tough game... I know we can win. We've beat them before-"

"But they have that little brat, Cady now!" Katelyn whined

"Katelyn, shut up, yeah I know they have a new pitcher.... who is absolutely amazing, but we can hit off of her! I believe in us, now they beat us last time... but we are going to beat them this time. We need to show them that the Cobra's are here to win." I said looking each of my players in the eye.


I ran back to my dug out and called my team over for a pep talk.

"Now guys... We have beaten these guys before... We all now the drill, be careful when running the bases, Jauregui can throw... Cady, don't sike yourself out, Dinah... catch the ball please. Guys we got this, believe in yourselves.... now lets kick there asses!" I said smiling at all of my teammates.


It was the 7th inning, Cady was still pitching strong, Lauren up to bat. The Panthers winning 3-2, the bases loaded, 2 outs. You could see the fear in Cady's face and she realized that she could make or break the game. Lauren stood up there fearless, obviously not scared of the 15 year old. Lauren stepped in the box ready to hit. The panther's catcher gave Cady the signal for a outside pitch. Cady nodded and started her wind up, throwing the ball perfectly on the outside corner.

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