Explanation of What Your Reading

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In this book you are reading, if you had ever seen a country ball comic you are the human version of America. Imagine a human version of the ball on the cover. You have the ability to make a fully functional replica of anything the US army has at its disposal (weapons, vehicles etc.) You can also have the ability to hit someone at the strength of all of the American people but choose not to due to it being very powerful (same thing with using nukes). I will do my very best to not make this have no politics in it unless it is for a joke.

Your main weapons:

Dessert Eagle (Duel Wield)

Dessert Eagle (Duel Wield)

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Your outfit: 

(You have everything in the outfit including the sunglasses)

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(You have everything in the outfit including the sunglasses)

You in 'Freedom Rings' mode: 

(The Eagle Is just a helmet, also you do use a spear you have you Dessert Eagles but with explosive rounds)

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(The Eagle Is just a helmet, also you do use a spear you have you Dessert Eagles but with explosive rounds)

Your Superpower 'Freedom Rings' is when you are mainly resistant to all damage. You can destroy a maiden with this mode. In this mode you can summon the entire force of the US army including nukes and clones of the people in the army. During this mode while active the USA national anthem is blaring from seemingly nowhere but it follows you around.

AN- So this is your character explanation of what you do and I think it's pretty good for the first time I've ever done this. Tell me what you think of this and I will try to update regularly. Peace Out

Freedom Rings (RWBY x Human America Reader)Where stories live. Discover now