Volume 2, Chapter 2: Adventure at Beacon

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A/N- Hello and welcome back to the story. Sorry I have been gone for so long it's just that I have been super busy with school and other things of the sort but I am back and writing. Anyway on to the story.


One very large airship docks at the platform as some small fighter ships go flying past. The camera zooms in on Beacon Tower where Glynda Goodwitch and Professor Ozpin are standing as they watch the ships fly around them.

Glynda "Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels."

Ozpin "Well, running an academy and military makes him a busy man... but yes, those are a bit of an eyesore."

A small screen pops up on his desk reading the words 'Access Required'. Ozpin notices this while turning away from the window.

Ozpin "Come in."

The elevator opens to reveal a very formal man in a white suit on the other side. He walks in with a smile.

Formal Man "Ozpin!"

Ozpin "Hello General."

General "Please, drop the formalities." He walks over to Ozpin and shakes his hand, "It's been too long. And Glynda, and it's certainly been too long since we last met."

Glynda "Oh James... I'll be outside." She then walks out of the room.

James "She hasn't changed a bit."

Ozpin "So, what in the world had brought you all the way down from Atlas? Headmasters typically don't travel with their students for the Vytal Festival."He hands James a cup of coffee

James "Well you know how much I love Vale this time of year." He pours some whiskey into his coffee, "Besides with you hosting, I thought it might be a good opportunity for us to catch up."

Ozpin "I can certainly appreciate quality time between friends, however, the small fleet outside my window has me somewhat concerned."

James "Well, concern is what brought them here."

Ozpin "I understand travel between kingdoms has been becoming increasingly difficult-"

James "Oz... you and I both know why I brought those men."

Ozpin "(Sighs) We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this, are just going to give off the wrong impression."

James "But if what Qrow said is true then-"

Ozpin "If Qrow said is true then we will handle it tactfully. It's the Vytal Festival, a time to celebrate unity and peace. So I ask that you not scarer people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent."

James "I'm just being cautious."

Ozpin "As am I. Which is why we will continue to train the best huntsman and huntresses we can."

James "Believe me, I am." He begins to walk away before turning back "But ask yourself this. Do you honestly believe that your children can win a war?" With that, he leaves the room.

Ozpin "I hope they never have to..."


All of our four teams were in the library doing various things. My team and I were watching team RWBY play a board game, Teams FPIJ and Team JNPR were all sitting at the tables around us reading a book or doing something else quietly. It was all peaceful until...

Ruby "Hmm... alright... ALRIGHT!" She points at Yang in a very dramatic fashion, "Yang Xiao Long! Prepare your kingdom for battle!"

Yang "(Slams her hand on the table) Bring it on!"

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