Chapter 1

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AN- Here is the first part of the story so hope you enjoy.


So I was listening to Germany threaten Poland again... like seriously this is the fourth time this week.

Germany "Vhats the problem Poland. You know that if I vant something from you I vould take. So let me have that submarine."

Poland "I told you already you must pay like the others."

At this point France intervenes while I was sitting back eating a cheese burger.

France "Would you two stop arguing it would only lead to another war." He said staring at Germany while doing so.

I finished my burger and started to walk away since I saw that France had it covered. When suddenly a bright like blinds me even with  my sunglasses on. I look in front of me and see a portal.

Y/N "What in the hell is this!?!?"

Soon I am starting to get pulled towards it.

Y/N "Oh no. This is no-" I get cut off as I soon get pulled into it and knocked out.

3rd POV

A blinding bright flash of light randomly appears in the middle of the Emerald Forest only for one man to come flying out of it before it disappears.

This is seen by a man in a tower with a strange addiction to coffee.

??? "Hmm this is interesting" he says as he starts to walk out of his tower most likely heading towards the forrest.

??? POV

I was preparing files for the new first years when suddenly one of my cameras in the Emerald Forest picks up a strange portal opening up and spitting out a man then closing again. I decided to make my way towards it as seeing this never happened before and I was worried that whatever it is might be a threat.

*Short Timeskip*

I made my way to the area where the portal was shown and see the man it spit out looking around very confused.

??? "Hello there" I say calmly as to not startle him and cause unnecessary conflict.

Man "Hey, hmm who are you and where am I." he says calmly.

Ozpin "My name is Professor Ozpin of Beacon Academy. You are in the Emerald Forest on the planet of Remnant."

Man "Well I'm America but people usually call me Y/N. Also I've never heard of this Remnant before." He states truthfully

Ozpin "Well I have an offer for you seeing as you don't know this place but I can feel that you have potential. So follow me back to the school so we can discuss this topic further ."

Y/N "Sure, whatever gets me out of this forest."



As Ozpin led me into his 'office' more like wizard tower, we discussed more on the topic of me joining the school.

Ozpin "So Y/N... lets get down to business shall we." He says much more serious then before.

Y/N "Yes let's" I say less serious

Ozpin "So where did you come from and what are you capable of?" He asks

Y/N "I come from Earth as I am the human version of America a country on it and for what I'm capable of you will not know until my abilities are needed most."

Ozpin "Fair enough although I will be keeping my eye on you."

Y/N "Ok I understand. Now about joining your school for what exactly?"

Ozpin "To train people to fight the evil of this world the grimm, soulless creatures that only want to destroy humanity."

Y/N "Ok I'm in where do I start." I say smiling

AN- and that is chapter one done. Hopefully you enjoyed it just keep in mind that this is my first ever fanfiction so don't be too quick to judge. Anyway I will update as soon as possible so see you then. Peace Out

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