Chapter 32

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I made my way away from the cabin in a random direction. With a random intention. Go back in time.

I sat down on a tree stump in the middle of the woods. I could feel the small drips of misty rain brush against my skin. I pushed my hair up into a ponytail and fixed the bandage that was held firmly on my head. I took a deep breath and looked around at the scene.

The tree's were tall against the darkening sky and the leaves were blowing and falling all around me. The soggy grass that felt it's way around my toes made me try to relax a little bit more.

I held onto my song book gently against my lap. I haven't seen this book in almost a year. A hard long year that made my life feel the way it always did. Painful. I would have never thought that Liam remembered it but he did.

I opened it and I started sifting through the pages as the small drops of rain started fall onto the pages. It made the pen marks lift off the pages and sift around the wet paper. The words that I once wrote not in any meaning anymore. Nothing mattered anymore.

I heard foot steps behind me and I already knew who it was. Liam wasn't really the master mind behind an element of surprise. Especially, not with me.

"Tell me. What are the things that you have always wanted to do?" I asked breathlessly. I could feel the rain drops slide onto my skin.

"What do you mean?"

"Your dreams. Your hopes. Stuff that you wish on a star for. That kind of thing." There was a silence between us though but I could hear him thinking behind me through all the sounds that filled between us.

"I have always wanted to be in a famous band. I have always wanted to go to college and make my mom proud. I have always wanted to send a love letter. I have always wanted to experience skinny dipping. I always wanted to do a lot of stuff. Why do you ask? What's wrong?"

"Realizing that it's going to be the end of us kills me inside. I won't have anything left. These scars are gonna remind me of what we had and it won't work. It's just not gonna work." I admitted to him with tears forming in my eyes.

"It's not going to be the end of us."

"Usually for crimes like what you have committed it's usually life or death row. Neither in which would benefit me but everyone else." I could feel someone sitting next to me.

"Just promise me that you won't forget me because for damn sure I won't be forgetting you."

"I promise." I feel him moving next to me and I looked at him. He was holding one of his dog tags intertwined between his fingers.

"Here." He turned to me placing it around my neck. His eyes moved from the necklace to my eyes that were focused on him.

"If we could live forever...."

"I spend every second with you."

"When, the light goes out..."

"All I can see is you shining brighter than a star."

"Even if I'm near..."

"Or far."

"It won't matter to me.."

"Because all we need is a lifetime of love." He knew my poem which most likely meant that he knew countless more. Maybe. But, there was no doubt that he had read them all. I never had a chance to get them back from him. I was just too hurt to even see his face.

I turned to him and looked at him. "About that skinny dipping dream?" I asked with a smile growing onto my face.

"You want to do it?" He asked.

"Yeah. What do we have to lose really?" I asked. He chuckled and stood up. He took my hand and we started walking me in a random direction.

"There's a river or pond thing around here somewhere." Liam said with excitement in his voice. The most I have heard the entire day. The foggy mist didn't stop him and our journey of finding ourselves.

"Here it is." He stated proudly as we came around a couple of tree's and rockets that were secured over top of thick roots of a tree. I looked at the flowing water that was stationed in front of us. It was beautiful.

The water was flowing from above from rocks and moss that glimmered in the breaking sunlight that made the water clear and blue. "Last on in is a rotten egg." Liam yelled which bounced off the trees.

I laughed as I started to strip wondering what I got myself into. The cold air from the rain brushed hardly against my body. I saw Liam run and jump into the water fearlessly. I slowly stepped into the cold water.

As I got fully into the water Liam turned around a looked at me. His face was all red and I laughed at his funny expression. "I guess you are the rotten egg."

"I'm swimming and naked. Of course I'm gonna be the rotten egg." I joked. He held his arms out wide like he wanted to hug me.

"Come here. Let me make you feel better." He came walking towards me. I laughed and started walking away from him. Soon, he was chasing me around in the water. The rain was starting up again making us wet even if we didn't want to be.

"I think it's a storm." I said looking up at the darkening sky. He laughed.

"It's not thundering and lightening yet." In some kind of weird coincidence thunder started rumbling the woods and a little while after lightning came to follow. He grabbed my hand and helped me out the water as the rain started to fall harder by the second.

I barely had a chance to grab my soaking clothes that were getting muddy from the flowing mud that was headed for the water. We ran through the trees and bushes stark naked and laughing. I wasn't very far behind Liam anyway.

The mud between my toes. The rain in my hair. Liam's hand in mine. The time that we don't have to waste made this time more important than any other time in my life. But, the way that it came crashing down on us made the whole thing crash and burn.

They way it was meant to be in the beginning. Over.


Hey, guys! I told you I wasn't going to forget about you. 

So, this was just a filler thingy. There won't be a lot of chapters left. I kind of already know what the ending is. I hope guys like it like I do. Maybe, less than three or two....chapters.

-The Apology

So, lately I have been through quite a bit. I have had some bad writers block so that was hard. I also, went on vacation and some personal stuff happened too. So, thanks for putting up with my B.S 

On the bright side....the song on the side is one of my favorite songs from one of the most amazing CD"s in the world. Hope you guys like it!

Until next time.....


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