32. Good Boy

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**Zoe's POV**

I moaned as my eyes slowly opened. There was dim lamp light making the room glow warmly from wall to wall. I had a headache & things were a little foggy as I turned my head a bit. I was laying on something warm & firm. A fleshy kind of pillow with a heartbeat.

I felt it as I lifted my head. I was on Warren's chest. Well, my head & whole left arm were on his chest. He had his arm wrapped around me as he stared up at the ceiling. He looked down at me when I moved.

"Oh you're finally awake, well good evening. You were sleep way longer then I expected. A good day & a half"

I remember last being in the van. Sitting there with Warren, then.."You freakin drugged me Warren" I shook my head in disbelief as I moved off of him & tried to focus my eyes. "No warning just wam? Really" I said. My head was still hurting, so I had to calm myself as I rested on my elbow.

"Yes. I did. It was for your own good. I didn't want to see you getting fücked even more, yesterday. You'd already been through enough, dont you think. Here take this" he reached over on his nightstand & handed me some light brown colored pills & slightly cool water. I looked at it suspiciously. "It's ibuprofen babe. I wouldnt double drug you"

I took the pills swallowing them down with the water. I also drank all the water because I was so thirsty. I felt my body with my hand. I was in just a bra & panties. I did the math with him being shirtless, me being in his bed & in his arms. Did he continue what we were doing the other day. "Warren. Did you have sex with me"

"What. You dont remember, that hurts. It was great. You moaned out my name through the drugs. Which has never happend before. You even said I was the best you'd ever had" he said looking at me seriously. I tried to run through my mind to get any clue to what he was saying.

"Oh my god, Zo. I wouldn't do that to you. I told you that I like my woman willing..& undrugged. I just took off your romper so you could sleep more comfortable. I kept you in here to make sure the guys don't sleep fück you, ok babe..& also I like you sleeping in here" he said with his dumb cocky smile

I listened to everything he said. I remembered waking up at Pav's house the next morning when this all began. Having realised he used my body while I was drugged & sleep. Warren's joke wasn't funny. Why would he joke like that in the first place. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't understand everything I've been through.

Maybe I can get a little something from Warren down the road, since I know he at least likes me a little. "I guess I should thank you, then. You saved me from your brother mostly" I reached up and kissed him on the cheek.

"Awe I don't even get a kiss on the lips. Fine I guess I'll just have to remember how soft your lips were from last time" he said with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah, I guess so. Keep that memory alive" I said with a smile. I patted his chest then went to get up.

"Where are you going" he said with a pinch of worry in his voice. Awe he really didn't want me to leave. I mean, I did actually feel safe in his room with him. I can't say that about any of the other guys,but I know that feeling about him could probably change at any moment.

"Well I need to use your shower, if you don't mind. Then I need to pump"

He got out of bed. "Don't take this the wrong way, but you don't need to pump & also, I bought you something you can wear when you get out of the shower & another gift" He walked over to his closet & pulled out a big gift bag.

I took it from him, slowly. When someone says, don't take something the wrong way, that more times then not, means there's a strong possibility for it.

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