[22] In Love With Mr. Player

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Deciated to loveofreakmusic15 for being an agressive fan! :P And my real life best friend! :D <3


A/N- Chapter 22 wohooo!!! Happy with the progress m getting but could really use some more votes specially seeing that I've got so MANY reads :D Plz just VOTE for ALL the chapters that you genuinely LIKED :D xxx

Chapter 22

[Alex's POV]

I stared at the large crimson banner with medieval gold lettering saying 'The Beauty And The Beast'.

People were filing into the auditorium, there was excitement in the air. I could feel it. Not that I should. I mean I'm the back-up, I don't even have to show my face. But I felt sort of thrilled all the same. I made my way back-stage. I didn't bother with the costume. Why should I? Stacey is here and she looks absolutely okay. Nothing less then a heart-attack can force her to not play the part of beauty. And honestly, I'm fine with it. I really am. Because really, I don't want to kiss Dylan.

Yup! You heard it right. I don't want to kiss him. It's just I don't know how I'll be able to supress my emotions once we end up kissing.

When I remember the incident back from a couple of days...I just feel embarrased but more importantly grateful-to Dylan. He hadn't brought up that topic and he hadn't said shit like "Its gonna be okay" and stuff when we talked about my dad. He was simple and straight-forward and stated the truth-my dad's not returning, better appreciate the people I have in my life. And I'm glad I have him.

It's just...I've started seeing him in a new light. His eyes seem to be the most beautiful ever. And his smile lights-up my insides...sort of. Its not just atttraction I feel towards him...its compassion.

I'm falling for him. I'm so sure of it. I've never been more aware of my feelings. And I'm not going to deny it because I can lie to the whole world but to not myself. I'm falling in love with Dylan Kennedy. 

If anyone would have told me I'd be falling for none other than Mr.Player himself a few weeks back, I would have laughed, laughed till my stomach hurt. Because something like that happenign seemed impossiple. Well, it's not. Because it has happened.

"Alex! Come here and wear your costume" I heard my best friend's voice and turned to see Tia standing there. She was the costume incharge and had helped prepare the costumes. And trust me, the costumes were awesome!

"What costume? I'm the back-up remember?" I said.

"It doesnt matter. You need to be prepared. The stage may need you. What if there's an emergency?"

"Hah! Emergency, are you kidding me? There's going to be no emergency."

"Alex...there could be, okay? Like what if Stacey breaks her leg or something?"

"No chance!"

"Alex, wear it at least? I really worked hard on it, specially on your gown"

"My gown?"

"Yeha, I made it a lot more pretty. It's almsot identical's to Stacey's but I made it kinda more pretty. Wear it for me?"

I was going to refuse but then I nodded. This is the least I could do for my best friend.

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