Chapter 5- The first encounter of It

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I woke up with the sun in my eyes, it was burning through my windows and when I tried to get up I fell out of bed because of it. I got dressed quickly into another comfortable dress but this time the dress was a pale blue colour with full length arms and a long flowing skirt. I put on my white pumps and grabbed my satchel, no one was home today because father always worked and mother went to the shops on Sundays. The sun shone warmly and there was a cool breeze which kept the temperature regulated, I skipped down the pavement letting my hair bob up and down like a jellyfish. The pavement became used and dull, little tufts of grass poked through the cracks that had been made by no other than Time himself. The air became a little colder and the clouds covered up the sun, I shivered and looked to my left. Of course, I was stood next to house number 29. A quaint voice crept out of the holes in the wood, "Y/N...." it called which made the thought of a person living there play upon my mind. "Y/N help me!" It calls out softly as if it was nothing more than a puff of wind, I decided that it could be a little kid that had gone inside and gotten trapped somehow. My feet stepped lightly up the tiled path to the house, approaching cautiously. Another thought played on my mind what if it's a trap, what if they just want to trap you in there? As if to reassure myself I spoke aloud "Maybe but what if it's Bill's brother?" I whispered so that no one could hear me. There was no one there but I still felt like I was being watched, the grass squelched under my feet as I moved around the outside of the house, checking for a way inside. There was no other doors and I was about to give up when I noticed that the front door was open, surely that wasn't open before I told myself but then I remembered that doors don't open themselves. The stairs up to the front door creaked as I began to climb them, "Help Y/N, please help!" The voice cried in a ghost like tone. I took a deep breath and put my hand against the peeling paint of the front door, I applied pressure and it swung open slowly with a creak. "Hello? Is there anyone in here?" I asked a little louder than last time, the voice echoed back a response "I'm here, help, help..." I inched forward until I was fully inside. The room that I was stood in smelt of damp wallpaper and dust, it was dark as well, too dark to see properly and there was no other light source to the door. There was a slam and the whole room went pitch black, my heart skipped a beat and then recovered. I reached into my bag and rummaged around until I found the packet of matches that I kept in there in case of a power cut, it was hard to light them in the dark but eventually after dropping one match and snapping another I managed to light the tiny stick on fire. It immediately blew out and a ghastly laugh echoed around my head, I fumbled around for another match and struck it against the side of the box. Before I knew what was happening the match had flown out of my hand and lit a gas lamp hanging from the wall, I had presumed that it had run out of gas when I had first come in but now I could clearly see the fame burning away.

The corridor that I stood in felt like it was miles long and a shape could be made out at the end of the hall, a faint silhouette of what looked like a person. My eyes squinted to make out who it was and the smallness of it indicated a child, "Hello? Are you lost?" I asked and there was no response. I took a stepped towards the person and spoke again "Are you hurt? Can you stand? Do you know where you are?" I asked realising how stupid I sounded, there was a crack as the head turned around 180 degrees on the neck. It was George Denbrough, Bill's brother. I laughed "Ha, I knew it was you, I knew you couldn't have gotten too far." I said gleefully feeling rather pleased that I had found him, everything seemed normal until he began to float and then his body turned to meet his head. Now he was looking at me and levitating "I float, and you'll float, and Bill will float and Eddie and Stan. Because we all float down here and you'll all float too!" He laughed and I took a step back. My whole body was trembling and I turned, I made a dash for the door and managed to get there only to find that it was locked. "Oh, please, please!" I screamed and glanced over my shoulder, what I saw next completely and utterly terrified me. A crazed looking nurse was running towards me, the bottom of her white uniform was torn to shreds and blood splattered up the front. She was foaming at the mouth and in her right hand was a half full syringe that dripped a bright green liquid from the end, her hair was a bright orange colour and curled up around her scalp. Now the tears were falling from my eyes, staining the front of my dress a darker shade of blue until the liquid evaporated into the atmosphere. I screamed one last time and pounded on the door, it flung open and the hinges made a snapping sound as they hit the other wall. I sprinted out of the house not looking over my shoulder to cheek where that thing was but running, running until I got to the safety of my house...

A story set in Derry (Y/N x the losers club)Where stories live. Discover now