Chapter Eight: Zayn...Let's End It Here....Oh, And I'm Pregnant.

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You guys are amazing!  And i know this is coming up a little late, sorry about that. My friend was over since like...i month ago. (yes, i am that lonely. i have no social life. i have another life to take care of, no i didn't have a baby, i have a puppy who my mom says is my baby) so i hardly get out and such. plus, i took a nap :p

But enjoy this chapter :D

Niall POV

A few days hve past since Harry made up with Aria, and no, they're not dating. Sexual fustration, i know. Liam went out to meet up with Sarah and show her around. He really fancies her. 

I was looking around the complex, hoping no one would see me leave. I looked left, i looked right. Coast was clear and my car was right there. I ran as fast as i could like i was in an action movie. I started my car and drove off to meet El for the first time in daylight.

Harry POV

I looked out my window because I heard something outside. Turns out that it was Niall, singing the batman theme song while heading over to his car. It looked more like sneaking. That kid is weird. So i just ignored it. I got up to get ready to spend the day with Aria. Sure, i haven't offically asked her to be my girlfriend but we've just been on two dates and this would be the third. She's different, someone you would love to take home to meet your mum. I wanted to take it slow with her. Maybe today i would ask her.

I could hear Louis walking around outside of my room. Sounds like he was talking to Eleanor. And it seemed like he wasn't too happy.

I peeked my head out the door. "Lou?"

He shut his phone. "Haz, what's up?"

"Are you alright?" I came out of my room.

"Did i wake you?" He ran towards me almost knocking me over but the wall caught my fall. "I'm sorry!" He began to fake cry.

"No Lou. Are you and El alright?"

He looked startled as he pulled away from me. "Yeah. She just...can't come see me like we planned."

I didn't believe him but i wasn't going to pressure him into telling me. "Oh. Alright."

"Let's go shopping! And bring Aria along. I miss her face."

"What? Why?"

"Haz, if you don't date her, i will."

"I'll make sure to tell El that."

"Just go get dressed."


Aria POV

I was in the studio at school recording a new song i wrote.

'I wanna crash

I wanna fall

I wanna be somewhere in the middle,

Somewhere in the middle-'


Of course! I clicked the music to stop and have the recording to stop too. I take out my phone.

From Haz: How about coming to see me today? (; x

To Haz: What's the occasion? xx

From Haz: Lou wants to go shopping -_____- x

To Haz: Alright lol. Come get me from the school xx

I hoped it would take them awhile to come find me in this place. So i continued to record.

'Something is better than nothing

I just need a lil'

I didn't know how long i was there until i finished the song. I looked at my phone to see what time it was.

"I love that song," a husky voice whispered in my ear.

"God! Harry!" He laughed as her put his hands around my waist. "When did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago. We followed your voice."


"CARROTS," Lou screamed as if on cue. "Okay you love birds. Let's go shopping!"

Zayn POV

"Affy, are you sure?" Mhy hands were shaking and i couldn't believe what i was hearing.

"Yes Zayn," she sobbed. "And I don't want to ruin your career so i think it'd be best to end it here."

"Babe, you can't be serious. This won't ruin anything!" I grabbed her arm to keep her from running away.

"Zayn! Let go!"

"No! Not until you hear me out! I love you!" I pleaded. I pleaded so bad.

She sighed. "Well I don't love you." That stung worse than any piercing or tat i got. My grip loosened on her as i stood there in shock. "It's better this way." She kissed my cheek one more time before running away from me forever.

*Few days later*

Harry POV

"I can't believe Zayn hasn't been home in two days," Liam said sipping on his tea.

"What are we supposed to tell our fans if he doesn't show up," Niall asked, face stuffed with pudding.

"Paul said to tell them he had to go home because of family issues," Louis said finally talking.

"But it doesn't feel right. We've already lied to them twice."

"I know Haz, but we can't do anything till-" Just then Liam's phone went off. "Hello? Yes...He's where?! Okay..thank you so much."

"Who was that?"

"C'mon. Zayn's at the hospital."



Short, i know. sorry about that but i had to leave you guys hanging :p

next chapter up after this one :D

 Song is on the side that Aria sang ----->

Thanks for reading <3333


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